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Everything posted by AndyM3000

  1. There's nothing that drives me more insane in football than a short corner that goes backwards and then a defender puts a straight ball into the box. I'll never understand the logic.
  2. and less width and seemingly no game play of how to create a chance in open play. How did they get to a final?
  3. I'd fancy our chances of beating Villarreal, they look awful.
  4. Because he's played 56 games! Only 11 of them goals in the Prem.
  5. I actually don't rate him at all, good player but nowhere near the level to be thrown in with top creators in the league. He has 9 goals from open play, the same as Foden, Jota, Mahrez depsite playing almost twice as many minutes as them.
  6. Villarreal are strange, they all just seem to move very slowly when trying to break. Some of them running towards the ball creating even less space. The general play and movement just seems very slow as a whole, not sure if the pitch is small or the ground is heavy but it's been a very poor quality half.
  7. Some good players in here, playing the same system the first team do with the high press and passing out from the back. Keeper's a bit too confident with his passes, got away with a few but good claims late on. If we need 1 or 2 of these for the first team they can slot in and we'd do okay I think.
  8. Good prep for the first team, should be 4-0 up and instead we are hanging on the last 10!
  9. Missed out on the top 1k, bad week, actually went backwards a couple hundred places. Looks like its a 1.7k finish for me, best to date but I only took this seriously since last years lockdown, will be a challenge to beat that over the next few years! That WBA goal in the last minute killed me, huge error by Phillips as well. Had Dallas and Casilla on a 8 and 9 pointer cut to 5 points total. West Ham scored 3 and zero involvement for Antonio or Lingard, small margins.
  10. Yeah I'm not either, would never get out at the top it's next to impossible. If it did mimic the 2017 run I was expecting this little burst now and then a slow/breakeven stretch the rest of the year before a big surge. There are some I'd like to hold long term but I'll come back and stock up on more when they are cheaper. Just looking at the prices of some of these in pre-Feb this year, huge gains some people will have had.
  11. I did that through 2017. The crypto market will tank over the next couple of years and I'll come back and stock up on some good coins/projects. I didn't plan to hold any once the end of this cycle happens, I don't really see the point given none of them held their value last time.
  12. All feels a bit too quick to be a proper end to a bull market, at least compared to 2017. But yeah, who knows, worrying though as im dusting off chunks every time I've refreshed my balance over the last few days.
  13. I'll be hanging on for around 15 mins before deadline to see if we get early team news. I'll likely do Meslier > Casilla and Calvert Lewin > Antonio, that will leave me with Mahrez or Saint Max. I'm thinking Mahrez will either start or not play at all so likely to just plug him in and if all else fails hope Saint Max plays. Salah captain for me but that Spurs game has to be a complete goalfest, would be a good punt to go Kane or Son if you wanted to make up ground. I think the FPL site actually crashed last season on the final day, so don't leave any changes too late.
  14. I assume its accurate, actually could be a bit of a headache picking the team for Sunday now with these silly rotations. I think we may get some early leaks so I'll be holding off my changes until the last minute. Bruno is highly owned so I imagine he comes out for most people, maybe a pretty heavy week for hits again.
  15. Just read that Meslier won't play on Sunday, that's very tilting as I got him in just for this last game of the season when Pickford has City away. I'm probably forced to use a transfer here. Mahrez might not play so he may have to come out. Calvert Lewin will end up surviving again, he's been in my team almost all season and has 5 goals since GW12, that is horrendous. I really wanted Antonio so may have to re-think what to do. Saint Max has a calf issue so can't even rely on a decent bench player to come on. Glad I have 2 free transfers.
  16. Not sure it is entirely due to that. They have repeated this shit for years.
  17. Thought he was sloppy at the start when we actually had the ball a bit. His passing and decision making in possession is still poor for me but the pace picked up, we put a high press on and it suited his high energy running. At his best without the ball, good for the big games.
  18. Two very good blocks for our goal when pinning them back in.
  19. McGinn is awful on the ball, like really bad.
  20. Can't say I'm surprised. We took our best CM out and shafted our best CB to RB. Insane.
  21. It will help, I suspect he comes deep a lot to get the ball when ideally him getting it on the edge is a lot better. We will see, I think Ali is pretty lazy so hopefully Naka and McGinn aren't constantly pressed.
  22. McGinn playing again and Luiz on the bench baffles me. Konsa at right back was a disaster last year. We have absolutely no ball players in the middle of the park, worrying.
  23. I don't know how Bruno has been given an assist and that Cancelo foul, he's not done anything? Welbeck is jumping over him. Am I missing something? How's that a red?
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