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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. My favourite quote from the lot is "a lesson in what a Labour government will lead to", says tory MP witnessing disorganisation after 14 years of Conservative government.
  2. Davkaus


    It came up in Poch's interview today that they're 4th in the table since Boxing Day Obviously they were shocking before that, and they didn't have Europe to think about, but that's a solid run of form over 4+ months, you're right, they're likely to be a big threat next season.
  3. This information was not available at the time of me beginning to argue the toss.
  4. This just isn't right Let's invent some numbers, the chance of any random person having 1234 is 1 in 100, because it's an incredibly common and stupid pin. The chance of any individual having a pin of 9307 might be 1 in 20,000 because it's not a sequence, a date, repeated numbers, etc If Follyfoot's pin is 1234, the chances of him meeting a partner who happens to share his pin is substaintially more likely than if his pin is 9307. So, in the interest of calculating the odds of it, we need @Follyfoot to tell us his pin.
  5. It does matter what the other number is, because saying it's 1 in 10,000 depends on each number available for selection is equally likely to be selected, contrary to the above image.
  6. He was basically asked the same question 3 or 4 times trying to get a reaction, can see why it gets a bit frustrating, but yeah, he should have just answered it once and shut that shit down in the follow up questions
  7. Davkaus


    "Hey remember that time we could have won the title but you dropped 3 points? Hahahahaha"
  8. I'm always a bit sceptical of these celeb fans, but he's got **** you money, could be literally anywhere in the world, and he's **** loving a night under the lights at VP. Fair play.
  9. It's in our hands, that's what matters. Palace are in decent form, but in the last couple of months, they've dropped points to Forest, Luton, Spurs, Fulham, and Bournemouth, I'm not having this narrative that we're bound to lose and we need Spurs to fail. A **** point against Palace isn't some far fetched goal.
  10. Come on lads, we're at the point where the arithmetic doesn't involve double digit numbers, it isn't that hard
  11. If I'm not mistaken they usually go in and come back out for the lap Couldn't blame them for not doing it at 22:00 though
  12. That's a massive point that I didn't see us getting at any point before or during the game. Seemed like we were destined to throw that game, but step up Duran. Over to you, you cheating sportwashing scum.
  13. Me too, Spurs now have to beat Man City not just draw
  14. If that's the other way around the commentary is "yeah you can't have your hand up there".
  15. A draw means we can't miss out on GD, I'd take that
  16. I'd have been pretty pissed sat on the bench until 80 minutes watching Diaby and Bailey tripping over their own feet
  17. Some brilliant ball watching from Virgil "best CB to ever live" Van Dijk.
  18. I wonder how much he really watches, he could be watching every game in the US, or he could be sat there tonight wondering wtf is going on, and wondering when Carew is going to come on.
  19. Playing at walking pace now, this game is over.
  20. Next the grey hairs and the worry lines will set in What a couple of years in the Villa job does to you
  21. Almost nothing about the offside rule makes sense as a coherent rule, it's just decades of shit tweak piled on top of shit tweak. Handball is **** as well.
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