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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. I remember back in an old version of fifa, people would just pass the ball between their back 4 when they were winning as it was almost impossible to get the ball back. We seem to be doing that, but we're 2-0 down. Baffling.
  2. I've been tempted to do something like that a couple of times when I was a helpdesk monkey, but ultimately it's probably not worth it, unless you think your employer would already give a shit reference.
  3. Royal Mail "upgrading" their website a few weeks before Christmas, then acting all surprised when for several days in a row it's impossible for delivery to be arranged. But don't worry, "Full service should be resumed very soon", the stupid **** words removed. In addition to this, there's a link on the front page, "We are sorry if you have been experiencing problems with our website. Please see an updated message from Gary Simpson, Chief Customer Officer, Royal Mail here". Guess what happens if you click the link? Our website is temporarily unavailable. Full service should be resumed very soon. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. Royal Fail.
  4. I know a few independent stores that are thriving. Most of the ones that closed down were terrible. Offer crap, over-priced products, and insist on only opening 9-5, when everyone's at work? why the hell would I buy stuff there when Amazon will deliver it to my door for less, or I can go to Tesco and pick it up after work? The decline of the high street is a business model problem more so than anything else. Specialist stores that cater to their customers are still doing well, but the public won't put up with rude 9-5 shopkeepers who charge twice what they should for things people can get elsewhere.
  5. BWL never had difficulty settings. Looking for Raid (built in PuG, essentially), is easy mode, that seems to be aimed at people who have been dropped on their heads. Complete strangers can go in and roflstomp it. It's pretty much a 25 player version of Ragefire Chasm. Normal mode is also pretty easy. Organised guilds will clear it incredibly quickly without many problems. Heroic raids are still incredibly challenging. These are the raids that are aimed at the small section of the community who a few years ago would have been raiding Black Temple or Naxxramas (the proper one, not the Wrath abomination). Don't look at the easy modes and say raiding is getting easier. They've opened it up to more people, meaning the lower difficulty levels are easy, but many of the heroic raids are far more difficult than anything vanilla had to offer. It's had to get progressively more difficult as the raiding community becomes more experienced. Ragnaros heroic, Sinestra, Lich King Heroic, Yogg Saron+0...to compare them to the level 60 bosses is laughable.
  6. You're comparing it to a pretty terrible looking game, MW3 looks like it was made about 5 years ago.. Taking in to consideration the scope of the world I think Skyrim looks fantastic, if it were a more conventional linear single player game it'd look pretty disappointing, the textures are pretty low quality, and some of the animations (hello, jumping) are unintentionally hilarious. Still, noone buiys an ES game for the graphics.
  7. McLeish, Lerner, and Gen..Cor...Private Krulak all need to just GTFO.
  8. Am I the only person that's bored? I can't remember the last time I enjoyed watching this shower of shit because it was enjoyable rather than because it's part of my routine.
  9. At least Lerner turned up. I was starting to think he'd sold his seat to save money.
  10. I could say the same thing about you posting on here. Just saying.
  11. This is sad news isn't it? Maybe he'll need it amputated.
  12. I've reached that awful point where you realise you've picked a pretty dull set of talents, but it seems too late to change. I've been using heavy armour, a shield and a one hand weapon against some of the tougher mobs, or dual wielding in some of the easier places. My points have almost all gone in to 1hand weapon skills, as well as health/stamina. I really don't want to start all over again, and I'll be completely gimped if I start using magic like this...Sigh.
  13. To save a bit of time (I can't be the only person who'll be waiting until midnight to get a few hours in?) you can preload it on steam. You can't play, but it'll save you time by getting all of the files ready so you can play immediately when it's time.
  14. Didn't really care that much about this, but I ordered it 5:00 yesterday and it's already here. Not that Steam will let me play it. Damn you Valve, and your insistance that I wait until release day.
  15. Went to order this from GAME at the weekend, and the useless shits couldn''t tell me 1) If it came with the map, or 2) How much it would be. How the hell can they not give a price less than a week before release? No wonder everyone buys their media online. Just ordered it from ShopTo, and had it dispatched within half an hour, and they could actually tell me a price.
  16. And now release is pushed back another week for PC, while I'm reading about people already completing it. It's like...any game made by Rockstar.
  17. Just got it on Pc this afternoon, and it's the most fun game I've played in ages. Not that good for my ego though. There's all sorts of stats on the battlelog page. There's one that is simply called "skill". I'm not sure how it's calculated, but I'm pretty sure that it's not a good thing when it's a negative...
  18. I've actually been looking at a few different products, and all of them seem full of shit, with about as much authenticity as homeopathy.
  19. Davkaus

    Ryan Air

    I'm not sure what disturbs me more, that the staff just duct taped the window in to place, or that the relevant authorities consider it "acceptable". They've probably super-glued the bloody wings on.
  20. I am going bald. I'm in my early 20s and going bald. Now, I know people have lost their hair earlier than I have, and frankly I'm not exactly much of a looker with or without my hair...but **** me, I'm going bald. I'm not sure how thin I can let my hair go without giving nature the finger and shaving it all off.
  21. No release date yet. There should just be one more major content patch in Cataclysm, which is currently on the PTR and will probably be released to live in the next 6 weeks. I'd think it'll be Q3 of next year.
  22. Probably; they've also essentially added Pokemon to the game. Companion pets can now be levelled and will have a combat system to fight each other.
  23. It was widely known for the last few months as Blizzard trademarked it, so no real surprises. Some nice info about SC2, and the GSL finals still to come so it's been one of the more eventful Blizzcons. I can't see myself bothering with the next WoW expansion, at least not after levelling to 90.
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