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Everything posted by Davkaus

  1. what position is Randy playing???? Right back...In the bank, hiding all the bloody money.
  2. Top 20 clubs in Europe by Revenue, nowhere near by actual footballing ability or skill. **** off Randy.
  3. Oh yes, do it! Do it! Preferably in a public place. I'll bring the recording equipment.
  4. I'm a little bit disappointed. I knew something awesome must have happened for the page count to rise like this in an afternoon, but I figured that they'd found out that she was pregnant, and she'd decided to keep it, to give birth live on Jeremy Kyle, and was going to call it Argos.
  5. When I search frantically in every possible place in my house for my glasses, then discover them on my face. Happens at least twice a week.
  6. I'll keep that in mind. I won't be working in a development role though, so don't hold your breath!
  7. It's not for me to prove. 6 years is the established precedent... Electronic goods should last six years. Where's the precedent for that? There is absolutely nothing in SGA/SSGSA that says that goods m ust last 6 years. The only mention of the 6 year time-frame is that it is how long after a purchase you can make a claim under the act.
  8. All that for saying that I thought one of the SW prequels was decent. **** the internet. You kind of deserve it for thinking that.
  9. I'm told that the company is fantastic to work for once they actually hire you (BioWare if anyone cares). Plus as I've been unemployed for a few weeks I can't be too fussy so I'll put up with the crazy machinations of their HR department.
  10. I think you're confusing the length of time for which you can bring a complaint with the length of time that the goods must last. An iPhone customer could bring a claim under the Sales and Supply of Goods/Services up to 6 years after they purchase it. All this really means is that you don't need to find time to make the claim immediately. The goods could break the day after purchase and you could wait nearly another 6 years to complain. This does NOT mean that any specific product must work for 6 years, they must simply last a reasonable amount of time. There is no set deifnition of what a reasonable amount of time is, as it varies massively depending on what the product in question is. To state that it's 6 years for everything is incredibly wrong. You'd have a hard time convincing people that in a market for technology as rapidly upgraded as smartphones, 6 years is a reasonable time to expect it to last.
  11. After a few weeks of trying to get a new job I've got an interview on Monday, via **** Webcam. I'd rather catch a flight and have a proper interview. Now as well as normal interview worries, I have to consider where to reposition my desk for the best natural light and bloody decor.
  12. People who give themselves nicknames and repeatedly refer to themselves by it in an attempt to get other people to join in.
  13. I just read a person specification for a job that requires all applicants to have "excelunt English". Incredible.
  14. I don't sit there in silence, no. I couldn't give a toss if it was loud, but it was deafening. Were you sat in the Holte?
  15. How was the PA in stands other than the Holte? I want to get tickets to the Hereford/Wolves games but I won't be sitting in the holte, the PA system was bad to the extent that I had a headache before the game had started, ludicrously loud.
  16. Is there any good reason that though it's been acknowledged that the PA system has always been crap, it's not got any better after so many years? I sat in the Lower Holte today and my ears have been ringing for the past 7 hours, it was bloody ridiculous.
  17. Well he's not achieved much while he's been in the country, it can't hurt for him to leave for a while. I think it might help if we routinely just send some of the politicians away for extended periods, at least they can't make things any worse that way.
  18. So this won't be on Steam (annoying, but I can live with it) Will require EA's own software platform, Origin (several times more annoying) Will not have an in-game server browser, nor will it be in Origin. To join a game you have to use a third application called Battlelog to find a game. Which won't be built in to the client or have an overlay. So you'll have to alt-tab out of the game client everytime you want to join a server. Dealbreaker. It's gone from being a day one purchase to being one I won't bother picking up at all, It's shit like this that reminds me of why I mainly stick to Indie titles, which for the most part just let me play their games. I couldn't give a **** about Origin, Battlelog, Games for Windows Live or the Rockstar bastard Social Club. They're not a way to make the game experience a move smooth intuitive enjoyable experience for the player, they're a way for the Triple A developers/publishers to stick their dick up my arse, and I've had enough of it.
  19. Sky. I can make Saturday afternoons 15:00. I've no interest in paying to watch 19 games when we move our games to please the Skum TV empire. Last season do you know how many games we played at home at the traditional Saturday 15:00 time? 7 out of 19.
  20. Who exactly are we meant to bring in to the first 11 to create goals?
  21. The sort of tedious goalless draw I think a lot of people expected from this season. Can't blame the players or manager for it being a bit crap. You can't give someone a turd and bread and expect them to serve up anything other than a shit sandwich.
  22. Are you surprised at how little we created after selling our only two creative players, General? Still, at least we can look forward to being in or near the top 20 European clubs by revenue, never mind the crap on the football pitch.
  23. Our best striker (by a mile) is a liability if we flog every player who can create chances, and don't replace them? No **** kidding. There's one man who comes out of this badly, and his name isn't Darren Bent.
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