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Everything posted by lmarsha_926

  1. Hull have bid £9 million so that may end that
  2. More players in and around the box to help score, Full backs provide the width.
  3. Put Benteke, Okore and Sanchez in that team and it would be very decent
  4. This will happen on deadline day if it does happen, once KI knows if he starts the season with Swansea
  5. I would be happy to move if it was to the Lower Holte, I just wished the club would communicate what the issue is
  6. Explain this then http://twitter.com/marshallavfc/status/497859340217618434/photo/1
  7. btw Stoke have not won in any of there 4 pre season games we have won 3 in 5. There fans are not worrying
  8. Alex McLeish in 2012 http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/celtic/292562-aston-villa-boss-we-cant-afford-celtics-ki/
  9. If we signed Richardson as the Stoke game was this week
  10. Come on, defenders aren't judged on how many goals they score. They are judged by how they defend. Not sure why I had to expand on that though really. Then why is David Luiz worth £50 million, the most expensive defender ever
  11. The one position we do need, That is the one position I would spend any money we do have on
  12. The Dutch system could be the way forward also we have players that can play all those roles
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2687605/Kieran-Richardson-Aston-Villa-medical-Fulham-winger-set-snub-West-Ham-West-Brom-Crystal-Palace.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
  14. 740 PL games added to our team plus the return of N'Zogbia and Bent
  15. We need a LB and we have no money who else is out there plus he has experience and can play 3 or 4 other positions
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