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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. If it wasn't for this part it would be a 8/10. I just fast forward the celeb part, it's awful.
  2. Agreed. Takes the words removed and the guns, dismantles it completely on stage bit by bit & basically laughs and takes the pee out of them for it. They are so thick they don't even know he is making fun of everything they hold dear.
  3. For NRA members I suggest that incident's like this ignite and excite something deep within their personalities that only things like this can even touch. Much like a serial sex attacker who doesn't actually have sex with the bodies, the mere fact that a teenager can pick up an AR-15 and kill loads of kids in a country where they keep the gun laws to allow such things makes me conclude they get off on it in a perverse sub-conscious manner. For NRA supporters, I guess the fact they can look at the chaos on TV only heightens there excitement, like the arsonist who watches the fire engines arrive, the NRA people enjoy the ambulances leaving, fully loaded with dead kids. words removed. They could stop it tomorrow or start the wheels in motion, they don't becasue they love it. Love the chaos. words removed
  4. I thought it's more do do with basic instincts in that a bloke, let's say he's a king somewhere, "Conga" The king of "Conga" needs an heir, but he needs a proper one, not a mardy ill *****er, like a proper boy baby and that. He has a wonder into town but there are only 2 birds who live there, weird. So he sees a right skinny bird with no, you know, no boobs to speak of and she is an alcoholic as well but then he goes to the cafe for a tea, sees "Bubbly Barbera" in the cafe who has a massive pair. Never mind personalities, bigger bird, healthier baby in olden times thinking. Win for the King, win for Barbera and the other bird will be OK as well I suspect. Let's all do the "Conga" So that's it in a nutshell I think.
  5. I think it will be over before that. If something happens at at a Rodney King type level and the it spreads city to city then I suspect they could lose all control and they might not get it back for a while. If LA went total riot what could they actually do in reality ?
  6. He didn't actually specify a day, that could be crucial in the outcome of his big moment the poor small heath. Or maybe he meant the Primary school down the road ?
  7. I was thinking the ZW's don't usually let the Generals talk on camera the words removed so its a bit of a scoop tbf.
  8. The Camo jacket post op with the thing on his neck is not great either. It has never seen a mobile phone before by the looks.
  9. I get the same, I only get 1 day a week and I live 1.5 hours each way. I work longer at home as there are no distractions compared to in the office, no coffee machine chats or little adhoc stuff ether. (There is a pool table in the office as well ffs)
  10. I heard about this game show and they are looking for contestants just like you. It's something like "Look what we can do with Science". You might get money for it and the Villa get promoted !
  11. The past is not that bright either to be fair, an environment where these 2 are allowed near public office and the others just like like them in the commons is a bit of a shame in hindsight, I would go as far as saying a mistake.
  12. If they had only got a bigger bus and thus, a bigger number could have been slapped on the side. In reality they could have got away with a transit van.
  13. I am an economic migrant after all I might not ask the questions in the correct way. I think I always word things badly but never mind I can take it. The 52 % have a lot to answer for. If it does go spectacularly wrong then preparation for this event would be prudent whatever that could be ? It might be the case people are stuck there as no one can see the houses etc.. Hedge your bets so to speak, don''t forget it could affect pensions and things long term, also. It will probably all be fine with Dave and Theresa. Good Luck Have a nice Friday, They are looking after me well in VT-ICU.
  14. 100 % true, in fact I watch more news (UK) now than I ever did when I lived there.
  15. Tbh it was what I thought was a pretty good question, not that daft if there are 5 million unemployed in 4 or 5 years time but lets see. At that point you wont be able to go anywhere anyway. My point remains though, if you are in a car that you are sure will crash, you are leaning out the window telling everyone we are going to crash but still are curious about what injuries and what ICU looks like from a patient POV after the crash. I am looking from the outside remember and I did just upticks in 3 months flat almost 20 years ago and leave England for good, daft I maybe but I did something about it other than call people names on the internet and hoping something bad wont happen to my family
  16. :-) Struggling with my eyes at the moment. Waiting on new ones (Glasses, not eyes). 7 days to go.
  17. I expect that some of them are. It just does not add up. The amount of anti Brexit and remainers constantly saying it's going to be a disaster for everyone going forward is fine, I understand the vote did not go the way they wanted. What I don't get is if it is going to be such a disaster why are people going to inflict this on their children and so on in the future and just sit there and take it like good little citizens, unless they don't really believe what they say or write ? (I am not explaining it very well, sorry). It seems remainers will gladly tell you the ship is going to sink but not confident enough to get in a life raft and drift of into the sunset to pastures new? Either its not going to be as bad as they say or they are all giving it the biggun but ultimately do F*** all about it.
  18. If it is going to be as bad as described or predicted after Brexit and some people are almost violently opposed to the whole idea. Add to that that most people by almost all the impact studies you will be a lot worse of in monetary and working rights for example. Are you all just going to sit there and take it, you could move as to stay would be madness ? In the face of the predictions some of the remainders should be packing already ?
  19. Jackets and clothes for Dog's in the Winter, if i have to dress the dog as well I will never get out the house. They don't need them, if they did they would have learnt how to do zips by now. My dog went swimming in the North Sea yesterday. No jacket required.
  20. Anyone see Katie Price in the Commons ? Who in the world would troll and deaf and blind kid on the internet FFS. Fair play to her, might not change anything but she is giving it a go. It must be heartbreaking for any parent but if the kid is disabled as well. Some people should not have access to the internet, same as drink driving, if you are a nuisance and a danger F*** **f.
  21. If they are standing with their eyes open at work and able to talk properly, they haven't got a migraine to be fair. I had to crawl upstairs the last time I had one. It used to be easier when I could you my chin to at least give me bit of balance on the next step whilst I consult my map with frostbitten fingers, gives me a chance to pause on the mountain side but i haven't got a chin anymore If they said it but without the ""oooh" bit, would that be better or worse.
  22. Agreed, I get them a lot and they will floor the biggest of men. The day after is weird, it's like my brain had a jet wash.
  23. Or, his stance could also be caused by the fortuitously hidden meat hook underneath his 3rd or 4th vertebrae that is just the exact right length to make him stand in that very annoying stance. So it's not his fault in reality.
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