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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. When is there a General election in the UK by date and when you think it will be ? (I quite like them)
  2. Is there something about suicide and guns in the house also ? WIth suicide in certain demographics more suseptable than others as everywhere, its a guess but it's probalby the case that this demographic is the most into guns as well. Imagine what a country the US would be if they didn't do the gun thing, it would truly be the greatest country & place on earth. Currently they are worried about the existance of bump stock's and why kids keep killing kids in schools? (imagine the money wasted on guns and ammo that are never needed or all the crimes and deaths created by guns in the last 50 years, it's weird, it's like the whole nation are the butt of a joke but they don't know it. Instead of stopping for a minute and thinking, "if we all have guns then what?" they just carry on defending the ammedment or whatever the piece of paper is becasue that is what they are told to do.)
  3. I suppose all companies like Nando's can't be seen to promote far right organisations such as you mention. ?
  4. Good thread, thanks to contributors who dont have to post as it can be a difficult.
  5. I think a simple swap of the Portrait she keeps of herself in the attic will do, on that picture she is as fit a Megan Markle. Only she could get it the wrong way round the joke of a woman. (She has no reflection so your idea is good but moot)
  6. Birds that destroy their faces, Phil Collins, have a look at his Mrs now and before. ?
  7. I would take up the aisle if there is nobody else to do it.
  8. I hope this as well and they would struggle to do worse than yesterday.
  9. I think the opposite, they know they are the wrong side of history but I think the prize of the land is worth more than what they lose overall as a set of people.
  10. The Tories have designed their Christmas card already; they have gone very early here IMO. The addition of a small packet of "Grenfell Soot" is also a nice touch as oppose to non-eco-friendly glitter and stars that sometimes accompanies cards of this type.
  11. Apparantley in the US, there is a twitter / Facebook group who are very proud of themselves. They look for adverts for breeds of Dogs that need a good home or puppies etc. The key thing here is they make the people thing they are going to take cvare of the dog(s) but they then immediatley go and get them destroyed at specific shelters. I don't know where to start, some woman was boasting she did a mother and all the puppies at a shelter.
  12. As long as the Alien dosn't choose to call a freind, it will take ages.
  13. That's cute  You proclaim to be "Advert Free" Directly below this proclamation I see, +26,915 likes:
  14. Did you say it like Mr Burns from the Simpsons in your head when you typed that ? Excellent.
  15. Sounds counter intuative this, but you metion your shoulders and neck. Have you thought about a "Leg Rubber" practitioner at any point ?
  16. Maybe change your route as well if it keeps happening.
  17. We are going to need a new name, how about “Commonwealth Universal Navigation Traffic Satellite" ?
  18. Unless hidden cameras are inserted into the situation ?
  19. I'm a complex creature! I would say "Balanced". You are delighted and annoyed by life in equal measure. Maybe you are a Guru of some type.
  20. They rip everyone off as a viewer (and themselves), and they seem to enjoy the fact. That's cold to the bone irony right there. words removed. Souless hollow husk of a programme that feast's at the alter of the unfortunate and forgotton. Not really a fan.
  21. I think you need to move on and put it behind you now
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