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Everything posted by Amsterdam_Neil_D

  1. Fall from Chamions League wannabees to what we are now, the Villa must be up there, not in terms of money lost but we have lost a lot more valuable things than just money.
  2. I feel such a fool now, I totally forgot about the 1 + billion (a month ?) knocking about. I stand corrected.
  3. Yeah but if somone voted remain and they are colour blind, they get the worst of all worlds.
  4. Yeah but the dress does not give the idea that any excess flesh or blubber has an easy way out, the jeans clearly give it an easy way out as there are in built exits all over them.
  5. Not for all, if they are a size too small and person in question has failed to address a colorie intake / burn off calculation you are left with legs looking like there are 20 bald heads just trying to explode out of the leg. It all goes a bit Star Trek when they sit down as the strings of Denim can't take much more, they are going to blow. So not all. Same as leggings.
  6. When all the truth comes out about Brexit it should become a film or series. Style, It should be cross between the UK The Office, The thick of it, On the buses, local and regional news and Spinal Tap. I tempted to start a thread, Scene 1. Dave is going to the EU to get a deal, he's a tough negotiiator so there will be no need for a referendum anyway: Dave looking into a mirror "You can do it Dave" shakes fist at mirror.
  7. Yep, people say they are happy to arrive in Luton all time. bigbulldozer
  8. This is not the statistic I was loooking for. ? Can you keep looking please ? I suggest that every single person in prison for any drug offences started off selling weed at some point even if it wasa just 20 quid to the next door neighbour, probabley a lot of other criminal types also from car thieves to burglars. Every criminal I have ever known started selling weed in the UK as it has massive demand and is tax free. It is the smallest possible step available onto a larger criminal ladder. (pop this bit of weed round to so and so's is a easy peezie crime but it gets a bit real when its crack and not weed). + Add (as it is a criminal offence) , every single person that has ever bought or smoked it is of course a criminal so that millions and millions. (The 50%, we might be getting somewhere ?) People steal to pay for it as they do with booze but becasue it has a atrtificial price set then problems are afoot.(These people go to prison also). There are 100s of thousands of people who spend the total day, every day either finding it & buying it. Just the time, petrol and general searching in total per year if converted into money would be billions and billions of pounds, it's all some people do, add to this the time for police, courts and so on then we are getting into silly money. Whatever the government tell you the usage is, I am sure it is way higher than they could ever imagine. Canada just made it legal I understand so as with Holland the country will just explode tomorrow. Most conservatives are against it.
  9. I will put a tin hat on now.....(Just my view on it) The myth that Canabis is a gateway drug to other harder drugs - incorrect, alcohol is the gateway drug to all other problems. (How many people try alcohol 1st ? 99.99999%?) (See Holland for a complete populations worth of cast iron proof on this. It is however the biggest and greatest gateway to crime in that, they will start kids delivering weed, then onto the A class drugs. Make it legal and I suggest that 30-50 % of crime and criminals will just dissapear. (You dont sell heroin aged 12) Suddenly you dont need all the Police / Prisons. Tax will go down. Money to the NHS will go up. The Police, it must feel border line pathetic for them looking in ashtrays for little bits of weed in cars, on Police interceptors they actually think they are doing well. Waste of their time and everyone elses. Imagine the cost per year, laywers / police / prisons / Crime created becasue its illegal / all the other crimes that take place becasue of the total obsession with it in the UK. As I said , my tin hat is on. However, I have lived in the UK for 28 years and Holland for 18 so on this subject I think I know a tiny bit. (Every single house in Holland is allowed to grow 5 plants, even if you have kids, again this explains all the murders and rapes here in Amsterdam everyday, like loads or it could be ZERO, one of the two. go.....
  10. Careful, gateway drug and all that. I suppose you are in a desert in your pants cooking up meth by now ?? It's been 3 hours after all.
  11. Its a good one IMO. Was thinking about penaly takers and VAR which is sort of on the same lines. We might get more (or less) penalties and the bookies may not have priced it in to the correct extent. (Where the ref is unsighted as an example , this will now go VAR >?) Is the a way to find out each teams usual penaly taker
  12. I had 1 Euro on 3-3 last night. What a game that was.
  13. In my humble opinion, whilst removing any of my pre -onceptions on the people involved. Trump is, in this world of optics and getting things done a **** genius. To leave the G7 all crying and looking like what they are, words removed, then fly and do this is truly amazing. The geezer is in his 70's ffs, the barriers against this and still got it done. If Obaba had done the exact same, totally differnet reaction I suspect on here and in the wider world. Will be a good entry in World History. (I am not a fan of Trump but this is what it is)
  14. Harrison Ford made most of the above up as he forgot his lines but they kept it in.
  15. Don't you get a hire car at the other persons insurances expense ?
  16. Is this a Villa or Man City transfer deadline in respect of Brexit ?
  17. You can tell, Neville is well scared of Piers.
  18. The time between when you tap electronic bathroom scales and the point when they are 0.00 KG,. It's a good 35-40 % too long. Too short for foot down, too long for 1 leg wait. ?
  19. Just watched the outtakes from "Derek", some of the best outtakes outthere.
  20. In a way, people will need to identify as "Brexit Fluid" depending on where they are in the border crossing process.
  21. I am looking forward to the new "Strong and Stable", I thought that was hillarious to be honest. If they were "Strong and Stable" back then, WTF are they now.
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