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Everything posted by Philosopher

  1. The only changes I'd make to this 11 if everyone is fit is Kamara for Dendonker and Carlos for Konsa.
  2. Happy with the line up today. Kamara to come off the bench I expect. Hopefully Buendia will line up on the left, with Ramsey in the middle, but the two swapping positions. Get Ollie playing how he did when Grealish was here going out wide to the left then coming back into the middle. I think he and Buendia can form a good understanding.
  3. Poch plays 433 mostly. Don't know much about Amorim, but he sounds like he could be a huge talent.
  4. Poch or Amorim for me. Tuchel and Dyche hell no! Emery, no thanks, thought he was poor at Arsenal. Any manager that likes to play 3 at the back I'd be doubtful of.
  5. He crosses well with his right as well. I like the option of being able to switch him to the other wing if there is a need.
  6. Shame they can't revoke the penalty, and review our penalty claim!
  7. I was saying all along it was never a red card. Mitrovic was far more aggressive and violent, then threw himself to the floor, disgusting behaviour!
  8. He simply isn't captain material. And his form deserves dropping. Bless him though he looked like he was about to cry in his interview.
  9. Terrible refereeing, never a penalty, Mitrovic charged into Luiz twice, but Luiz gets sent off for moving his head a matter of millimetres. Should have had a penalty as well. But 3-0 is the most we deserved, we played terribly. If Gerrard doesn't get sacked after this I'd be shocked. This was a shocking display!
  10. Never a penalty, never a red card, probably should have had a penalty, but still 2-0 is flattering!
  11. First 60 minutes bar the Mings freak error was the best football we have played all season. What it proved was the problem this team has had, which is a lack of runners. You play 2 narrow 10's with your central midfielders covering your fullbacks, then who the f*** is going to run from deep and break the lines? So to come back from 2 down he takes off two runners (the best runners with the ball at their feet in the team) and replace them with Buendia who is constantly dropping deep, and the static Coutinho and turn to a 442, so we are now outnumbered in midfield. Gerrard is a tactical numpty!
  12. He was the only one putting in dangerous crosses. Should have at least one assist today. Him and Ramsey are the only players that actually scare opposition defenders.
  13. Bailey coming off was a f*** up. We look worse now.
  14. And now our most creative player in this game has been taken off. Classic Gerrard, gets all the big calls wrong!
  15. Our best stuff is coming down our right hand side. Which means Gerrard will take off Bailey.
  16. Playing well. Chelsea are giving us space and we have runners. That's the difference in performance today. The Mings error was one of those things, it can happen to any player. The criticism from me is Mings isn't a good header of the ball, so shit like that is more likely.
  17. No imagination, low risk, no cohesion, poor decision making, a captain the needs to be stripped of the captaincy and dropped. How can we play two playmaking number 10's and not get our midfielders to run beyond them. They're too narrow, so all we can do is get the fullbacks come round the outside. We are too easy to shut down.
  18. Buendia is completely ineffective, Coutinho isn't making basic runs, McGinn is also offering little. Two of those three should come off.
  19. Yes game was awful, the stats prove it 3 shots on target in the entire game! The manager still seems to be lacking tactical nous and playing favourites. I still want Gerrard to succeed, but still don't see any real sign he is good enough. I Villa to do well regardless of the manager. The manager is not doing a good job, and so his job is still very much in jeopardy. McGinn is in the worse from I have ever seen him in! McGinn was the main reason we gave possession away in midfield. I remember at one point Digne went to close down Walker-Peters, and Djenpo had acres of space where Mcginn was meant to be marking. Mcginn just stood there in no man's land and Mings had to close down. Any team in decent form would have punished us there. Mcginn is also still doing that stupidness of charging into tackles he isn't going to win and give the opposition a perfect opportunity to counter as a result. He makes loads of key passes and tackles. But misses loads of passes and tackles as well. I have no idea how he still starts as Luiz's form is good and Mcginns is atrocious!
  20. Poor game. We deserved the win, but Southampton really were poor. Young and Konsa looked shakey. Konsa is a really poor distributor. Not good enough for where we are aiming. Mings easily the best defender in the team. Digne played a couple good crosses that were well defended. Kamara and Luiz were both composed and kept us ticking over. Ramsey scored the winner, otherwise didn't stand out. Mcginn was so wasteful in possession. This guy is so overrated outside of this forum. Bailey looked lively, starting to get to grips with the prem. Coutinho was a handful, faded in the second half. Watkins worked hard, but lacked that extra bit of quality.
  21. Wow! I really don't understand how she could have touched you in such a manner. It seem weird to me. But I respect you opinion. The Queen was born into a position of being the most important person in the country, she appoints a dismisses prime ministers. Her power was real, not simply ceremonial. The Royal family voluntarily stay out of politics. If they wished they could seize full control. This disgusts me! She lived a life of luxury while we deemed her subject in law, have to live normal lives, though poverty, austerity and minorities end up dealing with worse. The reality is she is a royal because her ancestors had the biggest stick in the country. So while respect how you feel, in my eyes you're buying into the drivel the media and establishment tries to indoctrinate all of into believing. I never knew her, I have never felt any benefit from her actions, so I'm not going spout false affection. She had a fine life, has a lovely family (whom my sympathies are with). But she has nothing to do with me, and what she represents is abhorrent to me. Give me football, not fake mourning!
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