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Everything posted by Philosopher

  1. He is a win at all costs kind of guy. Which you need granted, but not a leader. Do you want people following his biting and racist abusing? A winner not a leader.
  2. Experience is irrelevant if the player isn’t the correct fit. Ings as we have seen wasn't really a suitble investment. Tarkowski I don’t believe is the correct fit, Suarez is past his best, only Bissouma is suitable. Ultimately what we lack in the first team is leaders. Outside of Mings and Martinez, there aren't any leaders. We need leaders rather than experience for the sake of experience. Ashley Young isn’t a leader, Ings isn't a leader, Suarez isn’t a leader, only Tarkowski is. But I don’t believe Tarkowski is suited to our desired style of play.
  3. This. Serie A is at best on the level of the French Ligue 1. Lagging behind the prem, Spain, and Germany. Even the Portuguese league is up there with Serie A these days. There are definitely quality players there, but at it's a second rate league these days.
  4. I doubt Mings will be sold this window. It makes no sense to sell our best centre back. Yes he has a mistake in him, but he does so much for us. He covers for Konsa and the left back time and again, is our primary ball player, and leads the team and organises to defense. Throw in he has only had 3 season as a prem CB it's all quite impressive. Bassey isn't ready to step into those shoes.
  5. Chambers is also adept at right back and DM. So I see him as the ninth defender in our squad. (Two players per position and a versatile utility defender)
  6. That central defence will get found out. Bassey plays left back. Centre he can fill in, not ready to be a prem CB. Tarkowski too slow, not a very good passer.
  7. Unless we take their best midfielder off their hands.
  8. Tarkowski would be an extremely disappointing signing for me. Our two biggest problems are lack of a quality DM (hopefully solved now) and being rubbish at playing out from the back. Tarkowski would do nothing to improve that. He is also slow and to make our system work we need to be playing with a higher line. Would would have to switch back to a counter attacking system to accomodate him. It's makes no sense to me. This would be the pointless Ings signing all over again. This is nothing to do with the quality of the players as they are very good players. They simply don't add anything we really need, and have little resale value. Suarez would be like Young. Adding experience and a back up nothing more. Clearly past their best and not improving us.
  9. No is it's not a done deal. Liverpool when both Thaigo and Fabinho play are effectively playing with 2 defensive midfielders (Thaigo as a deep playmaker). Thaigo is not a box to box player. Henderson usually stay deep most of time two. They have a 3 which out of 5 players (Mane, Salah, Diaz, Jota and Firmino), 4 of whom are inside forwards by trade (one a false 9) not 10's they play higher up pitch from the start and stay narrow. If Salah and Firmino doesn't play then their front 3 all swap positions. If Firmino and Salah play their front 3 is very narrow and the wide forwards are more like the strikers. They don't need the runners from midfield as mush as we do when playing Coutinho and Buendia. Also their fullback are both adept at accurate long balls for their inside forwards to run on to. They brought in Thiago to add a playmaker to the midfield area to add creativity. They defend with a very high line which makes the formation very compact and hard to play through when they lose possession in the opponents defensive third.
  10. Like i said the only exception to that is when switching the play. If you have two sitting in front of the defense and one is dropping into central defense as soon as possession is lost then cover is there. Also the fullback on the side that the ball is switched from is expected to retreat back.
  11. Not really as all 3 midfielders were back! Also a cross counts as a crossfield ball.
  12. I see your point however the double pivot is still better than the 8's covering the fullbacks. Whether it's full backs or wing backs, two at CB or 3, fullback are only supposed to overlap one at a time. Both fullback going for the overlap at the same isn't part of the plan the only small exception is (other than when chasing a game) is when switching play from one wing to the other there is a few second where one fullback is flying forward and the other has to retreat (it's in this swictch of the play where keep possession is especially important). If we have Buendia in the team the flank he is on will get decent protect from him too. Also when playing on the front foot and looking to dominate opponents, teams generally only have four players back at the most. 5 players back is conservative, and 6 players back is defensive. Also if you play with two wide creator 10's (Coutinho and Buendia) you need runners arround them. So your man in the middle 10 position needs to be playing as a shadow striker (Ramsey would thrive in this role), and your fullback have to overlap to provide the wide 10's with good passing options. Personally I prefer a 3 with one sitting, with the two 8's taking turns to get in and around the box as this makes the attacking play less predictable, however I like the idea of one of the 8's less inclined to get forward and more focused on ball winning as you don't get the mix up's between the two 8's of when to go and when to stay. Particularly when you expect to have less possession or the opposition is particularly threatening on the counter.
  13. I like him, he can play on the right of a 3 also , we could even play him and watkins as two wide strikers. The problem with Jesus is like Watkins he isn't the most clinical in front of goal.
  14. This is wrong. Gerrard played with a double pivot at times at Rangers. He has deviated from the two tens already, by playing 4-4-2 diamond. A double pivot provides better cover for the fullbacks then getting the 8's to track back. We have seen what happens when our 8's get penned back! The point of a double pivot is to allow the fullbacks to push up in a possession based system. In a counter attacking system it's to keep the wingers high. The DM's move side to side between the central DM position (to portect the back two) and out to the flank (to cover the fullback, and / or support the fullback). I personally would go for a midfielder adept at winning the ball (as well as accomplished with the ball) that is comfortable in DM or B2B. This is why Bissouma and Phillip for me would be ideal. I rate Bissouma ahead of Phillips personally.
  15. Defending isn't good enough. A bit slow. Good versatile squad player.
  16. I don't see Suarez or Tarkowski coming in. The former is past his best and a waste of money, and the later isn't what we need at RCB. We need an adept short passer and mover there. Plus we pace is important too. Delighted with the Kamara deal. Exactly what we need. Now a general like Bissouma to add to that and we are suddenly in great shape in central midfield. The big thing for me mow is getting the RCB right.
  17. Having just done a bit of research on the lad he is very different to Hause. Firstly he is more of a left back that can play centre back, where as Hause is the opposite. Is very fast and a good runner with the ball, he even has a few tricks. I think he would be more of a left back for the next 3 seasons and gradually transition to centre back as he get older. Hause for me is an out and out defender, Bassey could probably play as a winger also! He reminds me of Micah Richards only with skills! Would be a good signing for us. Real competition for Digne, and cover to Mings and Hause. He needs regular first eam footbal at his age though, so not sure he come to Villa to be a squad player.
  18. Sounds a lot like Hause except for the high ceiling part!
  19. Cash needs longer studs, he looks like bambi on ice tonight
  20. We'll be to open, Liverpool will carve us up even easier.
  21. It's times like this when the FA must wish they could sub the ref! Moss is too fat to ref at this level.
  22. While I agree that there are better players we could sign over Phillips, i'm certain he'd improve us if he was in our midfield. He may be playing poor at the minute, but he has missed lots of games and is still working his way back to full fitness. He is also playing in a team on the verge of relegation. As a result i'm sure he is significantly better than his current showings.
  23. Not convinced by Chrisene only time will tell. But for me Chrisene needs a season on loan. Apparently we have a 15 / 16 year old on the books who is meant to be a Highly promising modern left back. But he is miles away from the level we require at the moment.
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