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Everything posted by AshVilla

  2. You really need to drink more beer you have far to many brain cells.
  3. The BMX is absolutely rediculous. all of the riders geared up in full body armour do they think its Motocross or something?
  4. General In regards to gareth barry, myself and other fans fully expect him to feature in thursday's tie against our iceland opposition especially now sidwell is missing Barry should have no say in the matter the money i and others earn is being put into the football club to go towards his wages and we would like to see him play regardless of this liverpool issue, dont know if you could hint our feelings to MON.
  5. correction He's the rock in our back 4 Cuellar , Cuellar The opposition score no more Cuellar, Cuellar He's six foot three wi curly hair His teeth are **** but we don't care He's Carlos Cuellar the VILLA!!!! centre half.
  6. barry is anything but a shit central midfielder he makes us tick and will be a big loss if he goes to the pool, just hope MON has a replacement lined up
  7. Did kevin keegan go to school does he not understand mathematics? barry is valued at 18 million they value milner at 9 - 10 million so how would a swap like that work? he would need to offer Milner + 8 million to land the player what is it with these teams think they can offer us shitty offers and we will bite their hands off WE DONT NEED THE MONEY FFS wish people such as the fat spanish waiter and The grey mullet keegan would understand this concept.
  8. ive had a bet on blackburn to be relegated. unproven premiership manager ageing defence lost bentley their best player and will soon hopefully lose santa cruz to us. well worth a punt at 8/1
  9. if we get national ID cards does that mean Passports will no longer be required? id get one if thats the case much easier to carry around imo but if you need a passport as well its kind of a joke, just another way of the government taking money from the hard working public?
  10. General, Any news on this new 30 million pound player were meant to be signing j.k
  11. General First of all thanks for all your good work i believe i have come up with a way of generating additional shirt sales for Villa and increasing Revenue Myself and many other villa fans would love to see Marlon Harewood with the biggest Afro he can grow we feel it would scare the hell out of the opposition and improve his game although he is good already if he does this we would all buy the away shirt with his name across the back and would generate extra money for the villa coffers could you please suggest he does this, id also like 2% of the revenue generated as iam a business man after all. Thank you very much
  12. made me laugh http://www.wegame.com/watch/Thrall_s_Crib/
  13. the rich get richer the poorer get poorer thus is life
  14. am i the only one who thinks Jack straw looks like a scarecrow?
  15. George W Bush.... oh wait thats who has been running the labour party since they have been in power.
  16. 16 mill + finnan is a great deal they are being ripped off imo 16 mill from the red scouse who are already in debt by hundreds of millions is gr8
  17. ive taken viagra mixed with alcohol is that classed as a drug
  18. General Regarding the song villa come up to has it been decided yet? after hearing Craig Armstrong - The Escape and watching our pumped up team totally destroy blues i think that should be our coming out anthem for next season.
  19. Reroll Warlock Dot Fear Dot Fear GG
  20. General, Do not accept 17 million we are so close now to forcing Liverpools hand, quite frankly 15 million and 2 million addons isnt good enough Liverpool will never win the league so we will never see the 2 million its quite simple. 18 million cash or they dont get their man
  21. General. We must not back down on our valuation of barry especially after he has made us a laughing stock making these comments to the media, We must squeeze every penny out of liverpool we set a price and we must stick to it. No compromises if we make a compromise we will be in a position of weakness for every transfer in the future.
  22. I've known for a week now that barry is nailed on to leave and iam ITK. ive heard it from somebody who is friendly with someone extremely high within the AVFC heirachy, i havent chosen to reveal it untill now because ive also heard liverpool are lining up multiple bids, one of which was rejected last week.
  23. General, Id like to reiterate the views of others, if barry wants to leave it should not be to liverpool they are who we are competing against to break into the top 4. id rather us sell to chelsea we wont be able to catch them for many years anyway.
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