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Everything posted by omariqy

  1. I see what you are thinking there but dont expect the likes of Coutinho, Lescott to come here. I think Lambert wants to build a squad of 24/25 players all of who to a large extent have similar level of ability. I.e. If we do need to rotate we can and it isnt to the detriment of the side too much. Will take a few windows yet, thats for sure. Also Diame isnt a DM, he likes to bomb forward and sometimes plays wide midfield.
  2. Looking at that Gouffran article it seems that website has some dodgy rumours on there. Moutinho to Spurs, Bent to Newcastle, Nani to Spurs and Modric to Chelsea.
  3. This Cavanda rumour makes sense to me. Hope its true.
  4. I don't regularly post itk tidbits can we make that clear please :-)
  5. What he lacks in work rate he more than makes up for in ability? Has anyone ever said that. Just wondering. P.s. Weimann is awesome.
  6. So transfers - erm bit surprised how quiet it is, then again that probably means we are making in roads in to signing players. Looks like we will have to wait till after the Bradford game.
  7. You had me going until the second line
  8. I dont mind saying it but I have a very good source for the Dale Stephens 'rumour', if you want to know how I got it then please PM me but promise not to post it in the public domain. Some posters on here already know who he is and I have the evidence to back it up. I didnt really want to say who it was but this place is so negative about these things sometimes. I understand that alot of what you hear on twitter and sometimes here is itk bollocks made up by people. However, some do get reliable information from various sources. Sometimes it comes off sometimes things change. Yet the amount of abuse that people like thetrees, MM, Gazton, Richard, JulieB get is out of order. Its just fellow Villa fans trying to share some info. Some may be right and some may not be. Just take a chill pill and enjoy the window. I have been told a few things, one was what happened in the Summer and why Villa didnt get the man. I never heard much else on it because frankly I got better things to worry about to keep asking about Dale Stephens. Plus I thought when we signed Westwood that was that. I heard some further information just through normal conversation with my friend that Dale was on his way to us in Jan and it was nearly done. Then I posted it on here and I've posted a bit on what happened in the Summer. You can look at my posting history, i've never claimed to be ITK just had information on this specific transfer thats it.
  9. Must say I am surprised we havent had a whiff of concrete transfer info. When I heard that Stephens was on his way to us at the end of Decemebr I fully expected us to have lined up a few deals. Maybe we are trying to get some off the payroll?
  10. As much as I would hope that we get 1 or 2 before the Saints game, I think Gabby, Bent, N'Zogbia, Baker and potentially Westwood returning has given us a bit of a boost and more options. Right when we needed it.
  11. Yeah but I think that's a new article on it... Some reports that a fee has gone in. Italian media on twitter
  12. Coutinho, http://www.sempreinter.com/23952/
  13. Apparently its either Huddlestone or Livermore, either way its a loan deal. I dont believe that for a second.
  14. Mitch Wadden reporting we are in for a prem midfielder and he will put it on twitter when he gets confirmation. Hes a reporter.
  15. Matt Kendrick is probably the only journo with reliable info and even then he only writes about a transfer when the club want him to and it's near completion.
  16. He himself posted replying to someone that his injury was fine and not as bad as first thought. So not sure why people on twitter were saying he was out for 3 months?
  17. Crap forgot Westwood is cup tied. Delph and Bannan for me.
  18. What a header. Seriously the boy has talent when it comes to finishing.
  19. omariqy

    Joe Bennett

    Its hard to coach footballing ability and an attacking instinct in a full back. Defending you can work on a lot more.
  20. That was one hell of a header btw. Not sure how he managed to get the power on it and accuracy.
  21. Yep same here. We are away so we need to be a bit more solid and try and take a good result back to Villa park
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