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Everything posted by LondonLax

  1. Every club buys their success. Hey, Man City were a club in such a position that they needed a multi billionare to buy them success (though they still havn't had any as yet), but every club does it to some degree
  2. I can never read anything on Bluemoon. The forum is such a mess with multiple threads about the same thing. Any sort of debate just gets lost. Isn't that Damocles supposed to be a mod over there? He should sort that site out...
  3. It doesn't sound like we are too desperate for cash after all. I bet Man City didn't bank on that when they opened negotiations...
  4. Get in, I am happy about that if true. Though I won't be sighing with relief until the window closes and he is still here. Hopefully it is just the wage bill that is a concern and Randy is still willing to sign a couple of players as long as fringe players leave, as mysteryman has suggested.
  5. I'm with you on this one Jez. He will play them loads in the Europa Cup. He was playing them two years ago in that comp and they were still in nappies back then...
  6. No in fact what we would be doing is constantly changing our style/ formation, bringing on young players and then selling them when they become our best player to a bigger more ambitious club. That is performing the role of a feeder club But we're not Wigan, Richard. If we were, as you call it, a "feeder club" for the bigger clubs. Then surely we'd be gradually getting more and more money from the bigger clubs? Eventually we could be in Tottenham's position. We could crack 4th and then the players would not want to leave for a bigger club. Being in the top 4 wouldn't garentee anything. If Man U or Chelsea came in for Bale he would be off in a shot.
  7. Does the fact that we are feeding the top clubs in the country make us any less of a feeder club then Lex? I mean what is your definition ? I would have thought that it would be better to be in the position of taking the best players from the clubs around you rather than losing them but hey ho each to his own I guess Tell that to Man United and the Ronaldo transfer or Arsenal with Toure/Adabayor/Fabrigas, Liverpool with Masherano and Chelsea with Cole. It happens to every club.
  8. Liverpool's season starts thursday night so I might tune in for that one instead. See what Woy has brought to the team. I think you will beat Inter, the Italian teams are always way behind the Prem teams in terms of fitness becuase their season starts a couple of weeks later. I think Inter have lost to prem opposition for a few years in a row now at a similar stage during preseason.
  9. I recon it's probably the same props supply company in each of these movies/shows and they have a standard prop for 'newspaper'. You wouldn't want a real paper with dates and signifcant stories on it, plus there would be royalties to pay and it would be a pain in the but to knock up a whole page of text and photos each time from scratch.
  10. He will be their Frank Lampard/Steven gerrard IMO. He has come on loads since we bought him form Newcastle and I think he will continue to improve.
  11. There was a guy doing whole videos of them (tiltshifting each frame) from Sydney harbour. You can probably find them on Vimeo. Edit: Here you go
  12. They have to walk before they can run. If they finish top 4 this season expect the 50mill+ signings to start.
  13. Friendly results mean nothing and anyone who reads anything into them is being foolish...
  14. He will go all quiet again when Spurs fail to repeat their success of last season.
  15. Ah, I see... Schrödinger's Petrov. Quantum physics joke worked into a football forum. I have seen it all now.
  16. If it is a straight up choice between being dissolved or painting the seats blue for Hyde's board and fans than I think it is a bit of a no brainer really...
  17. Your "weight" (the reading on the scales) is your mass multiplied by gravity. The more mass you have the more weight shows up on the scales, gravity acts the same on everything which is why the two objects fall at the same rate in a vacuum.
  18. According to the Times article Milner is angered by MON's claims he asked to leave. Perhaps he changed his mind, or is that not allowed? THen why havent Milner or his agent told MON or more importantly the fans. Yes exactly, hes angry MON put it out in the open. If he has chaged his mind it would be very easy to say so and make MON look like a fool.
  19. Your not English are you? If you are then what. the. ****. He's deaf IIRC. How's that effect reading/writing/typing though? He can't hear the grammer checker on MS Word.
  20. Man City will be challanging for the title and the Champions League before Milners next contract is up. THAT is why he wants to go there, the pay rise is a bonus...
  21. I think Blackpool are encouraging them. I think it would be kind of cool if it was one teams "thing". Just not so much our team. Barnet are known as the Bee's arn't they? They should give them out at their games. I don't think you would actually need to ban them at VP, I can't see more than 10 people bothering to bring one, then they will be bored of it by the second home game.
  22. Yep. Silva went for £25mill because Valencia need money to balance the books. We don't, we can put a stupid price on him and if City don't want to pay it that's their problem, if they do pay it we get a stupid amount of money. Win win. We are not going to sell for less because some people on the internet are board with it...
  23. haha I can just picture it: "No Gareth, you have not been bumped down to reserves this season, you're in the 'Elite Squad' now"
  24. The pub obviously. They don't have those viewer recording surveys at pubs.
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