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Everything posted by beasley14

  1. Frustration? Anger maybe? both mixed with a feeling of helplessness? :shock: Is that going to help us score a goal with 10mins to go in a game? Just gives players like Gabby an excuse to give up as they want him gone anyway. We can keep losing games and moaning at the manager but its not going to help us. Randy won't sack him because we sang a song, no chance.
  2. Singong your getting sacked in the morning was a very stupid thing to do. I don't know what has got into our fans recently that was just mindless, how is it ever going to make things better.
  3. MON is on the boards, someone voted for Stan.
  4. Oh dear!! Everyone has to share the blame, the players were as inept as the management tonight. We can pass the ball, and GH left it till 87mins to make a sub??
  5. Well thats me gone now, i can't be putting up with terrible play like that anymore. It does show the distinct lack of footballing ability in our squad though, we can't pass the ball 5 yards and there is no tempo or intensity to our play. Bannan showed more quality on the ball after 10 seconds than the whole team did in the 90.
  6. Lets hope we get a better atmosphere under the lights.
  7. Im glad to leave him for a bit we can't risk another injury like he had.
  8. Dirk thats a good summary. Also i agree with AVFC-POB the possession would have been more even if it had stay 1-1 for longer its only because we were defending a lead. I thought we passed it around ok too.
  9. Howards just putting his agenda forward.
  10. Lets hope so Ads, i saw on the tele him pointing for the players to go over to the fans at the end too.
  11. Well you know what i mean.
  12. Christ the Chelseas fans on the forum are a bit dramatic arent they.
  13. Played well and looked more dangerous. Good spirit to fight back too.
  14. Nealry got your payday mate.
  15. I didn't listen to him tbh so couldn't comment.
  16. Seems from more comments he is close to a return, lets hope he can have a happier time of it in 2011.
  17. He scored his fair share in the reserves too. I guess some players just have the knack.
  18. Fair play today, very good team selection, and a lot of fight. Lets hope we can start from here.
  19. Played pretty well today, has class and is very comfortable on the ball and in himself. Sorry to be an arse Trent but its Clark, no e bud.
  20. God i hope his knee is ok, was it the same one?
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