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Everything posted by beasley14

  1. General i would just like to say thanks to everyone at the club for giving us the chance to get back into europe. I was too young to go last time we were in but am definalty going this time and am very excited, Dan.
  2. Gabby has the work ethic to make himself better
  3. General will you be at the Youth game tomorrow at VP? I would really like to meet you one day, thanks Dan
  4. It`s pretty bad if sky and the beeb get this wrong, you would have thought someone would have researched the fact they are advertising violence.
  5. Would be good to have a creative song for our most creative player.
  6. I said 3 but i would like a couple more, it won`t happen though
  7. General as long as the attendance is correct when we work out our average then it shouldn`t matter too much, it is printed in all the papers as 32K aswell. I`m not sure who releases the information but they may have made a mistake. Mind you knowing how the papers et al are, they probably just copied one of the others who read the wrong figure. If they went to the game they would have seen and heard the attenance. It shows how the fans take more interest in the club nowadays as they are concerned about our attendances and how others percieve us. Thanks for all you are doing, you have given us our pride back Dan.
  8. This thread is not for chat between posters, Beasley, even compliments. Use pm's for that, please, mate. Ta. Blandy
  9. What a moaning idiot, grow up Gold and get over it. It wasn`t even calling you a pig directly how **** thick have you got to be to realise that by now!!!!!
  10. Gen i went into the ticket office to get a ticket for my cousin today and the man in the said there were only about a 1`000 seats left? Either way its going to be a good attendance, good on the new regime
  11. People are trying mate whats so wrong with that. I`m not going to turn this into and arguement, but i would say as you don`t add anything you probably shouldn`t say other peoples are shit.
  12. I agree that we need a song for Barry at least, probably a few others. Also slowandlow if all you are going to do is moan then don`t read it, or even better make one up yourself.
  13. General there is another thread on here about our sponsor having problems, i was just wondering if you could give us some information on this. I appreciate that you may not be able to comment. If say they went out of business would there be a chance that the sponsor could change half was through the season
  14. General i know someone else who`s ticket was re-sold last night even though he was in the cup scheme. His seat was in the Holte so at least it was to Villa fans
  15. Hi General my first post for you so i`d like to say thanks for everything. It`s not really a question and i`m sorry in advance. There is another thread on here thats about the lion roaring tonight, its a very good post and a few people have mentioned that maybe it should be shown to the team as its very inspirational. It may also be good to show any potential new players who aren`t as familiar with Aston Villa as they should be. Anyway i just thought i`d mention it, thanks again.
  16. I think it will be ok come the 1st of Sept if not then maybe we can all have a good moan!!
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