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Everything posted by kurtsimonw

  1. Good post, and I understand now what you mean about certain receivers playing as different receiver spots, makes sense. I didn't actually think Hixon was that tall! I don't know that much about him, but I just assumed since he was a KR/PR guy that he was smallish, guess not. On Sinorice, I have to say I've been very disappointed with what I've seen of him in general. He tries to do too much! I remember in our home game vs Washington (last season) I think, that he caught a few balls, then ran backwards to try and gain yards by beating somebody but ended up losing yards which resulted in us having to punt, very frustrating! I don't like playing Seattle in Seattle, they have some amazing fans up there, but in New York I'm sure we'll take the W.
  2. I've read a few times that with Plaxico suspended Domenik Hixon is expected to start at WR. He barely ever plays so wouldn't be the choice I'd have made, then again I suppose it doesn't really matter who gets the 'start' stat. Hopefully we get to see a bit of Manningham this weekend!
  3. kurtsimonw


    What is considered a great/good/average/bad/awful ERA?
  4. kurtsimonw


    Well I for one would certainly wear gloves, I do for football when I'm in goal and that hurts alot less than a baseball/cricket ball would!
  5. kurtsimonw


    Heheh, have you ever tried to field a hard hit 90mph line drive? To do that with bare hands is risking all your fingers. cricket mate ... some of the catches in the deep are made so easy compare it to cricket cathes without gloves ... I think the difference is the way they hit a ball, I find trying to hit a cricket ball very awkward, while in baseball you have the power of your whole upperbody pretty much hitting the ball. I don't know what the average speed per hit or anything is, but I'd guess that a baseball is hit much harder, making it more dangerous to catch bare handed.
  6. kurtsimonw


    White Sox all the way! Would love to see an all Chicago WS, though it would be horrible to see the Cubs finally break the curse. Go ChiSox!
  7. Haha..awesome song..looking forward to standing on the holt end singing that song...just awesome. Just a question..Are you guys singing this song ? I hope somebody does, it's bloody brilliant. I know people will just say it's just been stolen, but Reo-Cokers song is hardly a new one is it!
  8. Are you sure! Im pretty sure he is in mine! I have him on my NFL.com one. I gave up Owens as part of a 4 man trade for him as well. If it was for family issues that's a bit unfair to suspend him, I'm sure it will be resolved, he's probably our most important player at the moment!
  9. Are you taking the piss, or is there seriously that few people at the game?
  10. I dislike Newcastle more, but I'd rather Spurs lose and do poorly in competitions since I actually see them as a little bit of a threat. Whereas Newcastle are just midtable material.
  11. What the ****. That's shit, he's in my fantasy team as well, bugger. If we lose to Seattle I'll be well pissed!
  12. He's not been that great lately either. Besides which, since when did one player make a team? He's been in the press lately has Kaka, saying they think they can just turn up and stroll through games and how that attitude needs to change. I don't think that's necessarily the case, I just don't think they're very good. Milan are set for a tough year. To add injury to insult they recently lost Pirlo for at least 3 months. Oh, and they struggle most against counter attacking teams :winkold: As a close follower of Milan, I'm in agreement with DDID. Milan rely heavily on two players, probably even more than we rely on Young/Carew. Pirlo and Kaka' are huge for them, but Pirlo has basically put in a decent performance 5 or 6 times in the last 18 months, he's been very poor. Kaka' has been picking up alot of knocks since last christmas and never seems to be at 100%. I've seen all of their games last season, and they're their own worst enemy. Ronaldinho thinks it's a circus so slows the game down with all his tricks, same with Seedorf, while Ancelotti the head coach is insistant on fielding a team full of defensive midfielders and only one striker. Nesta is their only good CB now, for as good as Maldini has been over the years, he wouldn't get into the Villa team - yes, he's that bad now, he makes Zat Knight look like Flash. They also have Senderos and Kaladze at the back, who are basically Boumsong in disguise.. their only bright spots at the moment are the hard working Ambrosini, two decent full backs in Zambrotta and Jankulovski and the soon to be best player in the World, Ale Pato. Anyways, as for this game. If I can get somebody to go with, I'll go. All my mates are at bloody work though!
  13. I went to the same school as Daniel Sturridge and was in the same classes as his cousin. Matt Murray also went to the same school as me, though he left before I joined the school I believe. This practically makes me a superstar.
  14. That'd be the best way to get the words around I'd have thought.
  15. I think the one that Rangers sung for Cuellar should be added to your list, kidlewis, think it's a great one.
  16. Fantastic stuff kidlewis, thanks for taking your time with that. Gotta say I really love the Fridel, Petrov and Reo-Coker ones. Think the only problem is getting these songs about. It's easy to blame it on people not joining in, but the fact is, it will take a couple of hearings for people to figure out the words, so it's difficult to get people to join in sometimes. I think some teams used to have something on the seat with the words to a song written on them so they could learn them that way, sounds a bit small time I know, but at least it'd get people knowing the words and they'd more likely to be sung then!
  17. They can't go another year without a playoff win, surely.. can they?
  18. VillaAjax, my friend. You are a genius. Amazing stuff, it really is.
  19. Been wondering that myself, hopefully it's on Sky Sports soon enough so I can Sky+ it.
  20. Don't remind me of those opening games last season, truly shocking defense.. Been impressed with Eli so far. Had a nce start against Washington, but then I had the feeling of "here we go again" when he threw that stupid interception. But a fairly decent performance overall. Great display against the Rams to boot. As for our running game.. if we can keep all these guys it would be great, don't think we will though.
  21. I'm amazed that 4 people on here hate sha the least!
  22. Hate Walsall the least. Blues have to top the list, then probably Albion/Wolves very close 2nd/3rd, Coventry 4th.. then Leicester!
  23. Lost interest in England? Nope. And why would I, because we didn't qualify for a tournement? Are we going to have people throwing hissy fits every year when Villa don't qualify for Europe next?
  24. 24 by a distance, can't even think of any drama that comes anywhere near to being close to it.
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