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Everything posted by S-Platt

  1. Mental scars of throwing away a 3-0 lead with 8 minutes to go last year at Villa Park. Also huge pressure if they win they could be 5th and qualify for Champions League. John McGinn back, night game, full house if allowed. I would back us to win that one.
  2. Bit of a cheat as not a photograph but I would have loved to see trams at Villa Park.
  3. Dalian celebrating our first Premier League goal away at Ipswich 1992.
  4. For me if they void the season it will be what keeps me going through the boredom of the next few months in the hope we go again in August.
  5. Young Jack with The Merse it's in the blood!
  6. I am not letting this thread die as there will be nothing else to talk about for weeks other than the past so here is a lovely pic of our very own viking warrior saying his farewells with his son.
  7. Agreed also our home form is miles better than our away form so the fact we have 6 home games left and only 4 away has to be argued. There should be no ifs and buts only finish or void. Some winners some losers if its voided but I think if it gets worse like they are predicting then people will be more worried about having a job! Hopefully it does not come to that and we can get back to normal by the start of next season.
  8. If the league is voided he stays for another season chill my Villa brothers.
  9. As I said in the Covid thread in off topic. Parachute payments that the would be relegated clubs would get can be used to help the EFL. That is 100s of millions.
  10. Don't need to do that just need to give them the parachute payments of the would be relegated teams. In fact they can distribute it evenly across all leagues to save clubs going out of business.
  11. This is the Premier League who knows best you know the same guys that invented their own version of VAR you really think they will follow any other leagues precedent!? It's a pisstake really if they even one game goes ahead this weekend.
  12. I remember running down Witton Lane looking like this off the no7 bus as a kid to The Holte End. Great days.
  13. Man City v Arsenal postponed after Arsenal players came into contact with Olympiakos owner. The slippery start to football oblivion in this country has begun ☹
  14. Some valid points there young man! Any competitive advantage is one that our football club should be looking to exploit. Great out the box thinking.
  15. After last nights disgrace I thought a pic of happier times from the past might lighten the mood! 1920 FA Cup Final the first after World War I. We won 1-0 after extra time at Stamford Bridge against Huddersfield. Our 6th triumph. First ever Cup Final where extra time was played.
  16. Cancel the Euros and give Football a break until shit gets sorted out then start it again. No one loses out then. Footy in the summer sounds good to me!
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