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Everything posted by PieFacE

  1. Yeah i really didnt like the attack dogs too... they were so annoying. Cant escape the little feckers...
  2. Anyone watching Terriers? It started off a bit cheesy but it's getting pretty good now!!! Character depth is pretty good Definitely gets better as it goes on...
  3. Them Crooked Vultures on the other hand.... much better band. Grohl is much better at the back playing drums and Josh Homme is a much much much better frontman.
  4. Have to be one of the most over-rated "rock" bands ever. First 2 albums were brilliant, at the time. But Jesus christ, everything else has just been awful and so samy, they're the most uncharismatic band to ever exist. They're all as individuals so boring, and it shows through the music. There's nothing rock n roll about this band in music terms or in terms of the members of the band. So boring. Dave Grohl is an absolutely awful frontman. He's just a friendly nice guy who's lyrically naive playing nerd rock. Radio friendly unit shifters. As Cobain would have said.... Can you tell i don't like them? I've seen them live a couple of times, they're nothing special at all. Pretty average.
  5. Live in Worcester City Center and go to Worcester Sixth Form College around the corner. About 5min bus journey! Easy
  6. If your playing a FPS with a joypad your doing something wrong. Mouse + Keyboard = win. Yeah definitely, years of Counter Strike:Source on PC makes COD really easy
  7. I'm really looking forward to playing this game on PC. Does anyone else play their games on PC? Was always an Xbox man before but... cant move my thumbs fast enough for COD
  8. Fair play to Spurs, whilst I hate HR, I do like a lot of Spurs players. Very entertaining! Although - What is it with that song their fans sing?Is it a really slow version of When The Spurs Go Marching In? Sounds wank.
  9. I don't really get what's so good about Zombies? Looks really boring.
  10. I presume it's just one leg?
  11. Pretty scared of this game. Can't see us getting anything from it. 2-0 to them.
  12. I currently have a Desire but am due an upgrade soon... what's the best phone out at the minute? - Or are there anyones coming out soon that is worth waiting for?
  13. Ireland may take time, he strikes me as the type of player that needs to be in his comfort zone to flourish. I'd imagine he's still just getting used to the players and tactics and his new life. I think Ireland has a very different personality to Nigel... Ireland being more of the slightly strange genius type player.... cant really compare the two, IMO.
  14. Cant let this game go to penalties... need to get a striker on.
  15. No to RSC. With Gabbys apparent injury problems, another sick note is not needed. We need someone we can depend on, RSC is not that. He'll end up at Wigan or something.
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