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Everything posted by Rodders

  1. awful. Predictable loss but we were terrible. Given 7 - don't think he could have done much about the goals and made a couple of excellent saves to keep it "respectable" Lichaj - 6 did reasonably well to be fair, but its hard for these young uns playing in such an uncohesive and directionless side Baker 5 - I like him generally and will be happy to see him given more games, as he's still very young but poor today, especially for the goal Collins 6 - also at fault a bit for the second goal and generally not much more than average Hutton 4 - poor and rash challenge, however nice it was to see that cheating shit get knobbled. Bannan 5 - poor, some good balls and also clearly not his position but also frustration evident in that rash challenge at the end but you can't blame him for feeling that. Still though, needs to play better if he's to get a chance next season to establish himself. Clark 5 - first game back, was contact for the pen, against that shit, but otherwise, struggled a bit. Ireland 6 only player with consistently decent touch and had a rare shot on goal. Gardner 4.5 barely saw him tbh Wiemann 5.5 - early chance poor shot ran around thereafter and again clueless tactics didn't help so can't be too harsh on him really. Agbonlahor 3.5 shit. For one of the most experienced players in the side I have to say I thought Gabby was rubbish. Partly due to being forced onto the wing but our **** manager I accept but he's played there long enough to play better than that, passing was terrible. heskey 6- not crap had our best chance on goal, ok carruthers 6- looks keen good luck to him, difficult to shine in the conditions of the match though amc 4 - ok its united away so not critical for losing but this haphazard gobshite that passes for tactics and direction in the side is very boring now.
  2. Good lord we are poor. Gabby has been woeful for a while now too
  3. **** you ashley. Contact sure but that was pathetic
  4. I do like the fact we have so many young players in the side. I hope they enjoy themselves as best as possible today!
  5. stat the only 7 drivers not to get a point this season and the 6 new ones and Massa. Oh dear Felipe. Cracking race, so close at the end and well done to Nico!
  6. Lets getready! Starting grid is really interesting -hope its a cracker
  7. Where the **** are QPR getting those 9 points from? Bolton maybe, and Wigan, if things go exceptionally well.
  8. This was a weekend when perhaps people thought we would lose out to qpr and blackburn but we haven't. Blackburn aren't pulling that many points back now ffs. If they get their act together they may get 2 wins or a win and two draws in their final 4 games which would still leave them behind us. Even two wins and two draws wouldn't be enough. So QPR, Bolton, Wigan. QPR 4 behind with 4 to play have spurs chelsea man city and stoke - honestly they'll be doing well to get 4 points, so it's very unlikely, even if they grab another point, we'd still only need one draw from our remaining 6 games to stay ahead on GD. Wigan 4 behind 5 to play arsenal fulham newcastle blackburn and wolves, ok they could beat a relegated wolves and blackburn for 6 points and a point or two from fulham and blackburn isn't impossible, so they could get 8 points which would be solid. So we'd need ONE win and ONE draw to stay ahead Bolton 6 behind with 6 to play with swansea villa sunderland spurs west brom and stoke. they average less than a point a game over 29 matches so if they do get points they're doing well, but they could get a win or two and some draws there, but again if we beat them we're fine. So whilst if things go shit, we could conceivably finish 17th behind wigan and bolton, it would be remarkeable for us to actually go down. I think we need ONE point to absolutely confirm it, to keep QPR at bay and with them and Blackburn done we're fine.
  9. savage also believes we paid £6million for Beye, maybe in wages I suppose
  10. 3-0 Swansea. game over there, thank you Brendan. West Ham 5-0 over brighton, would love it if both west ham and blues miss out in the play-offs.
  11. right enough keyboard tapping today, have been persuaded ( casually invited ) to have a beer. I started work at 7am this morning.* Ergo I accept. Fortunately should be able to finish the bugger off tomorrow! Ingram, maybe she down played the date thing just to see how things went in a proper hard to get way?
  12. Rodders

    Do you read?

    I can recommend Roger Moorhouse' 'Life in Berlin 1939-1945', having flicked through it recently. I know there's one or two, Mike!, who enjoy that period. Slices up in easy to read segments too.
  13. tonight, trying to finish essay so I can have a day off tomorrow before starting essay no 2 on sunday, both due in, in about 10 days time :/ tomorrow, sleep, watch football, and general nothingness, unless I have lots more to do on the essay in which case that. sunday, start new essay / finish old essay / panic. catch a bit of the chelsea / spurs match / sleep exciting times.
  14. I would end my pacifist tendencies in an instant to go all Dexter on these clusterfucks of humanity. **** any ideology that subjugates humanity based on bigoted horseshit. **** to death anyone who could possibly care so much about creating 2nd class citizens based on sexuality ( or race, gender etc ). And Mike Davies, you utter failure of a human being. I genuinely hope you and all your followers get run over by these buses and your physical spleen is splattered across the roadside as an appropriate metaphor for the ugly imagery if intolerance. Edit. Well played tfl
  15. Is that uber-posh for not in my backyard? Anyway, might be a douchebag but tbh you only ever change things in this world by getting out there and making a splash. He just got a bit literal with it. In principle I applaud people making an effort despite it shaming my own apathy. Anyway, isn't the whole point about protest or striking to bring attention on a broader scale to particular issues? And by briefly mildly inconveniencing a couple of people it might get one or two of them in the process to reflect on the reason for the intervention? At point anyway, in reality most people appear now to have this rather boring 'materialistic, get of my way stop interrupting my life, I have no time to think about the condition of others you muppe't approach. Attention and Voices more effective in the long run than quiet mumblings on a blog. ( saying as someone who can't even be bothered to maintain a blog ). I wish I had that energy.
  16. Right, having a mare trying to start an essay so accidentally distracted myself by going to the Viz site. I know there's a thread, but I can never get the search function to work :/ So enjoy some silliness: I am certain most of these are as old as the hills but they're making me smile today! CAN YOU settle an argument? My wife says I'm a drunken bastard for coming home at 3 in the morning and pissing in the wardrobe. I say she's a lazy cow who never makes any effort to look nice, and if she gave me a bit now and then I wouldn't have to go looking for it elsewhere. Who is correct? I FANCY having a bit of rabbit for my tea tonight. Could anyone tell me if it's cheaper from a butcher's or a pet shop? I WENT bobsleighing this Christmas. I killed Bob Holness, Bob Monkhouse and Bob Carolgees.. THE BIG Issue would sell a lot more copies if they made their vendors smarten up a bit. Most of them look like tramps. WHY DOES Prince Naseem get a gong just because he's good at punching people? I'm brilliant at it but the most I've ever got is 200 hours community service. THESE PEOPLE who object to gay men bringing up children, saying they will lack female role models show a staggering level of ignorance. Surely they'll get all the feminine influence they need with both parents skipping around the house in high heeled shoes and dresses. MY 94-YEAR-OLD nana is always reminding people that she is a great, great, great grandmother. I for one would have expected a little more modesty from a woman of her generation. SO A SPOONFUL of sugar helps the medicine goes down, does it? Well I'm an insulin dependant diabetic, and after following this advice, I am now two months into a life threatening hyperglycaemic coma. Thank you very much, Mary **** Poppins. WHY SLAUGHTER and incinerate livestock with foot and mouth disease when they can be redeployed to clear the world's mine fields? THESE NEW 'Gentlemen's Clubs' are a complete con. I went in one the other night and it was full of women. To add insult to injury, most of them were practically naked. Godzilla n. A ferocious burp, accompanied by clawing motions with the hands. bomb bay sapphire n. A turd which has been baked for so long in the shit pipe that it exhibits a hardness comparable to that of a precious stone. box the Jesuit v. 17thC. How Friar Tuck may have referred to strangling the parson behind a bush in Sherwood Forest. Quebec Bravos n. Metropolitan Police phonetic radio code. QBs = Quality Breasts, used by bored scuffers on Saturday night city centre duty. 'Calling all units, calling all units. Quebec Bravos in the High Street. Any units wish to assist? Over.' spadework n. The hard graft that must be undertaken before planting one's seed in the ladygarden. Frigmerole. Foreplay. GUN JUMPERS. Avoid premature ejaculation during intercourse by offloading during foreplay NORMAL MARS bars make ideal Ice Cream Mars bars for Eskimos. MEN. RE-CREATE the excitement of a Soho peep show by going to a nudist beach wearing a burka. OLYMPIC commentators. Inform the audience how old the female gymnasts are before they start their routine, thus preventing any illegal thoughts involving their flexibility. ok im done.
  17. the only surprise result is 3 points for wigan and we still have a healthy lead. Not that that will stop the blind panic until we're mathematically safe i suppose. We'll get hit by united sure, but after that weve got more than enough point taking games to see us safe.
  18. oh and breaking bad have just watched season 1 recently, the last couple of episodes from when he shaves his head, are **** ace in particular.
  19. now got to the end of the second season of Dexter, it is so addictive can't stop watching it, though i think there's been one or two dud episodes this season it's still been fantastic, so well done.
  20. hmm on the up lets hope it means everton win the semi, i was getting worried liverpool would end their run in another spawny cup win.
  21. there you go, plop win, 7 points ahead of 3 sides 6 ahead of another. goody.
  22. just seen the video now of that 2nd pen again. Dear Lord
  23. I really hope this doesn't mean they win the semi final Im getting worried they will
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