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Everything posted by Strog

  1. I wonder if Toddddd will stay patient with Pochetino. I can’t image they are happy with the way things are going. In my view, it would be madness to pull the trigger, but this is the new Chelsea
  2. Strog


    I think the victim mindset they have will be their undoing. It all comes from Arteta.
  3. Not taking this for granted. Hopefully we learn from last nights game.
  4. That’s a lovely dressing. Egyptian by any chance?
  5. It will catch up with them.. I think Nukeassh@le are already suffering from burnout.
  6. I think I need to turn the sound off. Carragher sounds like he’s constantly jizzing himself..
  7. Jus caught a bit of the granny shagger on dubya em. It can’t string a sentence together, I bet the bloser players can’t understand a word. mate.
  8. I see Michael “the brains” Beale has started well at Sunderland
  9. It is but there’s a long way to go
  10. But not many of us expected 6 points from Citee or Arse, we also got a rare win at Brentford. We can’t win them all.
  11. Agreed mate. In the last 10 minutes some were losing their heads, Ezri was Mr Cool - he’s amazing!
  12. Not rubbish but tactically he should have been changed. He’ll come good again so give him a break
  13. I don’t think we can win it, but we’re still in the race. I’ll take top 4 and a trophy instead
  14. I think we can get something here but it will be tough. Cash is out so Konsa to RB and. Carlos back in, hope Pau is back too. I don’t see both Diaby and Bailey starting, I think we need Zaniolo’s physicality in the starting 11.
  15. Strog

    Matty Cash

    We need another option and competition for Matty. I feel this is one area where we are quite weak and this needs addressing, either now or in the summer.
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