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Everything posted by Ponky

  1. Unfortunately I seriously doubt we have heard the end of this.
  2. Would I take to Mascherano with a baseball bat? Absolutely, any day of the week. Michael Brown can queue up behind him.
  3. Probably completely inconsequential to you lot but the No1 keeper at my A-League club, Mitch Langerak, has been signed by Borussia Dortmund as their new number two. Langerak is only 20-21 and displaced New Zealand No 1 Glen Moss at the club and showed some incredible ability that will only improve with age. Taking a very similar route to one Mark Schwarzer, and could well succeed him as Australia's No1 in the next few years. Just a watch this space, really; I have been a big fan of this kid whenever I have seen him play, and you will see him in the Premier League sooner or later, I have no doubt.
  4. Can't wait for the first of the "Hitler reacts to Steve McLaren being appointed Wolfsburg manager" posts on youtube.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if Wenger went in for Curtis Davies, actually. Beefs up the English quota, has been interested in the past, and would be patient enough to allow him to develop. As for ins, what do people think of Martin Olsson from Blackburn?
  6. It's a bloody nerve racking job catching spiders that big because they do that - they bolt at the last second, and usually straight towards you or behind a couch or something so, not only is the ugly **** on the run and you have to go hunting for him, but he's really really pissed off. Best method is to spray them until they resemble snow flakes and follow up with a firm boot heel.
  7. What what a softcock that Blackburn player who goes down for 2 minutes after whiffing Friedel's underarms.
  8. Ash could do with using his left foot once in a while.
  9. 3 scum players booked for surrounding the ref after a disallowed goal. What a shock.
  10. Just screened the Pelieu landing over here. Was very good, although I was a bit bemused to see so many Eucalyptus trees on a Micronesian atoll
  11. If its about covering the face in public then I would suggest there will be a great deal of motorcyclists' brains spilled on the streets of Bruges.
  12. Wow, should change this thread's title to "lovefest" for 24 hrs.
  13. Just working my way through BoB again now - really an amazing show. The Pacific is good too - but you get the feeling they have tried to widen its appeal to get higher ratings. The episode set in Melbourne was rubbish - portraying these Aussie girls as sluts that would open up for any Yank with a chat-up line. Say it ain't so Nan! I was really interested in the first couple as I grew up on Guadalcanal and actually lived on one of the ridges outside Honiara where some of the worst fighting was located. Used to find shrapnel, bullet casings and all sorts of goodies around the neighbourhood. My dad was digging up peanuts from his vegie garden one time and unearthed two unexploded grenades and had to call the disposal squad down to take them away.
  14. Wasn't too much in it really and I thought we were undone by the pressure from their forwards, and their slight edge in quality. The penalty was an interesting one I thought - almost identical to the Roger Johnson one last week - Warnock got his studs on the ball but it was a reckless challenge and deserved a penalty - I guess we let ourselves down a bit by not surrounding the ref... It was a tough battle and it's tough pill to swallow, but hopefully Chelsea can do the right thing by us and give Liverpool a flogging.
  15. I think they call them the "MON-outs" these days :winkold:
  16. Sounds like espionage - the next generation of Bond girls...
  17. Don't think he called him a rocket polisher. Very clearly shook his hand and told him to fook off though. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from a manager and clearly seen by millions of people around the world.
  18. Could we offer them Agent Marshall?
  19. I think Memphis Minnie says it best:
  20. Yes - to all Villa fans! Seriously though, I think emergency replacements should be automatically granted but not from the same league - surely it compromises the competition by having the 2nd choice for one team going to another in the same league - essentially weakening one team to strengthen another... And poor old Stuart Taylor can't take a trick. Every time he has the opportunity to step into the spotlight he goes and injures himself.
  21. It's obvious the guys like Larson who have been there for a while have really started to get jack of losing to the Villa. He was absolutely vile and nasty the whole match and even after the match even though he had been subbed off. What a nasty little piece of work. Probably cops shit from Mellberg at Sweden training too The great thing about Blose avoiding relegation this season too is that wins 7 and 8 are only a season away!
  22. Pretty sure that's just him licking his lips.
  23. There was a great replay on the telly of Milner's peno, from the Villa end, showing Milner running in to take it and in the foreground is James Collins, hands on knees, refusing to watch, looking the opposite direction and waiting for the reaction of the crowd.
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