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Everything posted by tomsky_11

  1. At the moment, by the looks of it, we have: Trent - Leicester Dodgy - Southampton Tomsky - Blackpool Joe - West Ham PoB - ? Rhys - ? How are you all for the next two nights? We should get a time down to start it.
  2. Did seem odd that you would have to use a 3rd party programme to play network... Anyway, when are we looking to start this? How many we got? Who's gonna host? etc. I assume we'll need everyone together, at least to start it off.
  3. I'm normally ok most nights except Wednesday and Thursday atm
  4. I guess we all need to be on at a certain time to start it up right? Or at least the host needs to be on for us to access the game. If that is the case, when is everyone thinking?
  5. Wouldn't mind jumping in on the network game too if space. Have done once before, quite a while ago. Head to head matches were awesome.
  6. Haha sorry mate. The internet needs a sarcasm label.
  7. Really?! He has been a disgrace tonight. Could have been booked about three times for simulation. And the standing on Messi's hand was just pathetic. Pepe deserves everything he gets.
  8. Marisa Tomei and Naomi Watts I have never got the Salma Hayek obsession. Never found her attractive. Way too much jaw going on.
  9. I have just returned Pro Vercelli to Serie A after an 80 year absence. Bring on Scudetto number 8!
  10. I was gonna suggest Nike 5 or similar as I can't stand bulky boots. Never mind.
  11. The way the keeper turns to the steward approaching him, immediately after kicking the fan, says everything about his state of mind at the time. He is clearly on edge (quite understandably) after being attacked from nowhere - his initial reaction to the steward is to be scared that another fan is approaching to attack him. Given that state of mind, I doubt anyone would be able to hold back the extra couple of kicks given to the fan. Up until the steward comes, the keeper is acting instinctually out of fear.
  12. Ahh E-Feds, how I miss those days! Why post that when you could have posted
  13. He scored a few decent goals in Europe the other week... His first vs. Maccabi Tel Aviv ...and his second
  14. would suggest that the original is perhaps a bit too basic and not entirely accurate. I'm sure that to present the true cost or otherwise of the monarchy, hundreds more factors would need to be considered on top of those featured in both videos. Fundamentally though, in my opinion, the moral objections to the monarchy that are touched on towards the end of the response video, eg. royal privileges, "subjects" vs. "citizens", separation of church and state, stand regardless of any monetary issue.
  15. Thought a pen when it happened, but couldn't see any actual contact on the replay. Extremely soft. Playing better than we have all season I'd say. Have looked much more threatening than Arsenal. Good energy too, the players look well up for it. Keep it up and we are definitely not out of it. ....and N'Zogbia just then - flair!
  16. Stumbled across this yesterday too. Great video. Love the genuinely fun moments amongst all the weird and slightly scary stuff. Felt a bit sorry for "tea girl" when they left. The more recent video on NK labour camps in Russia is also worth a look. So much weird going on there.
  17. If there is land nearby you could go there and try firing arrows into the water in her direction. Had the same thing in an area with floating ice to stand on. Got the kill eventually.
  18. No, they definitely can die, when I had Lydia she got eaten by a dragon the poor bitch. Of the three companions I've had, two of them were killed by me! Probably their own fault for running between me and some enemy when i've got my bow drawn. The third looked dead, but continued to talk and move around, albeit by sliding along the ground on her back looking dead. No good in a fight at all. I dismissed her and she slid off into the distance, never to be seen again. 50 hours and level 29. This game will never end.
  19. Anyone been to the Pelagius Wing in Solitude? :shock:
  20. Did Eric Djemba Djemba get locked up for his human trafficking Faux Pas? Who was that Belgian kid in our youth team who got kicked out for some theft related issues? Christian Kabeya. As far as I can tell he's playing in Belgium in some regional league. Remember he was the standout player the one time I saw him playing in the youth team.
  21. Phil King served me a pint last Wednesday lunchtime. He said I wouldn't remember him
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