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Everything posted by Guus

  1. So we add to the already long list. Mc cant Mcrelegator Mcdeluded McPassingandattackingwhat'sthatthenIhaven'tgotacluebecauseI'mauselessgingerwordremoved! Mc bullshit McClot. McNugget McTwunt
  2. Guus

    Stan Petrov

    Really shocked by this turn of events. You can beat this Stan, we are willing you to do so.
  3. I'm liking the napoli away kit tonight.
  4. Can't believe how much better the Lion looks with out the Shield. Is there any chance of doing the Lion and the lettering in Gold?
  5. Beautifully put. It seems we have had our fair share of difficult lessons over the last 2 seasons.
  6. He had a serious car crash not long after signing for Milan. That was it for him really. I remember seeing him play whilst watching channel 4 on sunday afternoons. He really was average.
  7. Gianluigi Lentini Signed for AC Milan in 1992 for £13mil and was utter pants. I'm sure his agent and Mr B were very pleased at the size of the transfer fee.
  8. Lennon made him look like an pub player last night, it was embarrassing.
  9. I dread to think what this stands for. Answers on a postcard please?
  10. I knew this would happen. The board are so stupid it's unreal. Whelan now knows Randy has alot of money to spend and will take advantage of that. Ellis was stubborn this lot is stupid. Can you be a stupid lawyer/billionaire?
  11. What about Gus Poyet. Young, successful in lower league football, good player pedigree, bright, articulate.....
  12. He has just reiterated what some people have been saying with the managerial situaion. Sounds like common sense to me, which is unsual for Stan.
  13. I'm with Gingerlad on this one. I bet his agent has had a word with him. It will make Villa work faster to sort out a more lucrative contract if they that think that Downing has hinted he may have to move on.
  14. I thought they bought Bentley?? 'Mitch McPike'...you couldn't make it up!!
  15. Guus


    @Dodgyknees. Cool. Which ones do you use? How do they help? More energy? Whey protein is the obvious and also I found that soya protein is a good supplement to help recover after long sessions. I used a totally different protein shake for gym than I do running. The ones I go for are more about aiding recovery than giving me the extra energy. Sorry that isn't much help is it Edited: If you tend to suffer heart-burn a lot then I would be careful again as some of the powders can bring heart-burn on which when running can be a pig. Luckily I don't but am just passing on the advice given to me. Oh and if you do go the powder route, don't take it with milk, water is best IMHO. Thanks for the info
  16. Guus


    @Dodgyknees. Cool. Which ones do you use? How do they help? More energy?
  17. Guus


    Does anyone use protein shakes to aid their training?
  18. Guus


    Beautiful spot. Many a happy summer day spent on that beach when I was a Bairn!! Good memories.
  19. Guus


    My first attempt at a bit of HDR: Tried not to overdo it but it's so tempting to just ramp all the settings up to maximum! Is this Ramsey Bay, Risso? Port Lewaige to be precise??
  20. Errrrr....Milner was quality. The last game he played for us against West Ham was one of the best individual displays in a Villa Shirt I have seen in the last 10 years.
  21. General. The team today looked devoid of a game plan, they lacked spark and effort, there was no movement or passion....and to play this way when we still arent mathematically safe from relegation is an absolute scandal and I lay the blame squarely at the feet of the managent staff. Iwas willling to give GH and GM a chance this season, but I fear the worst if we persevere with their regime. I hope you are well. Dan.
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