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Everything posted by stuart_75

  1. Down to their last 140,000 votes to count. The mail ins are trending 76% to Biden.
  2. Some good news coming out of Philly.....
  3. Really enjoying Animal Kingdom on Prime. Deffo worth a watch if crime, drugs and a bit of shagging in every episode is your thing.
  4. FFS, the orange tw@t actually still win this legitimately. I thought Nevada & Arizona were dead certs for Biden yesterday.
  5. This is an outrage. There must be some legal action you can take? (FFS an Ewok Village!!!, I'd give a kidney for one of them)
  6. I can't ever accept Jones as P4P champ, no way. The tainted supplements just stink of a cheat to me. There's also lots of stories of him dodging the testers when they came to his gym.
  7. Could of hit that harder with a stocking full of shite
  8. Finished City on a Hill, brilliant. Can't wait for the 2nd season. Started Animal Kingdom on Amazon Prime. So far so good after 2 episodes. I don't know if I should be turned on or repulsed by a 60+ Ellen Barkin flashing her baps at every opportunity.
  9. I have to echo this. Felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach after watching it, couldn't get it out my head for a few days afterwards, lingering like a bad smell in my nose. For me watching all the footage the wife had put on Facebook, it seemed like she lived her whole life in social media (I'm not a fan of social media, don't use it) you could see it wasn't going to end well for her, and I'm not surprised that she and her family got some backlash afterwards by nutters who took the husband's side.
  10. Enjoyed "The Comey Rule", it could of been trimmed in length a bit, but other than that its worth a watch.
  11. I noticed the Dogheads have a 90 page thread on Radio WM. Most of it claiming Franksy & Reago are biased towards the Villa.
  12. Not sure on here recommended City on a Hill with Kevin Bacon, but I'm enjoying it so far. Good show.
  13. I think he'd of got the death penalty if it could of been proven it was premeditated.
  14. Yep, watched this one a while ago. Its just "WTF" after "WTF", jaw droppingly crazy story.
  15. The Challenger doc is very, very good. 10/10. Shows NASA up for what they really are. Cowboys.
  16. American Murder The Family Next Door. (Netflix) Wow, just wow.
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