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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. It has quotes from the guy so how can it be made up? Come on, we're all interested why after all this time you still can't see that the emperor has no clothes.
  2. Yep. Say whatever you've got to say to get certain people (or as I prefer to call them, **** morons) to vote your way
  3. Where the analogy falls down...as it always does when people compare this negotiation to a simple bartering exercise is that when you walk away from a transaction you return to the status quo. You're no worse off than you were when you started. That's not true for either side in this negotiation. Walking away is far worse for us than it is for them.
  4. It's not just that they're incompetent. They're cowards acting in a very narrow self and party interest. That's worse than incompetence, it's full on negligence. Cameron started the whole thing by calling a referendum that only the tory party actually needed to have. You can go back even further tbh, to the coalition government that introduced the FTPA that has basically **** up the parliamentary rules in order to ensure that they were more difficult to bring down. Complete disregard for the best interests of the country in favour of a narrow tory interest
  5. No doubt they'll beg, borrow and steal to keep the effects of their mismanagement at bay long enough to have the election where they'll say "look, it was all a con, everythings fine". Win that election and you're stuck with the privileged **** for another 5 years.
  6. Or worse... To direct people to skybet...
  7. I used to quite like Bacuna. He was a massive cod piece but I remember some great free kicks and he had an eye for goal outfield too. Not sure what Reading have done to him!
  8. It wouldn't be the first time Tshibola's name has been an unfunny punchline.
  9. No sympathy needed! My dad will be fine as he has enough money away to get through and is quite close to retiring anyway, although I can't speak to the warehouse workers! It's more just that you do hear from the odd VT'er who voted for Brexit and the general consensus around multitudes being out of work is that "it won't happen", "the BoE and treasury are always wrong" etc. There are real consequences to this ****, my family are feeling them. It's worth it because the EU is "undemocratic" and we're "taking back control"....tell me how that's worth people being out of work.
  10. It's already happened/happening. My dad was served his redundancy notice this week as the company he works for ceases to exist the day after no deal. They deal in EU import licenses, complicated stuff I don't fully understand. He's been told that if the circumstances (i.e. we stayed in/got some sort of satisfactory deal, somehow) changed the company would continue and he'd be re-employed on a short term contract. I went to a meeting with the CEO of a company the other day who import protein shakes and distribute to the EU and she said "if it's no deal we'll need to relocate our warehouse to the EU as our product contains whey and we have no framework for exporting animal products to the EU". 4 people made redundant overnight.
  11. This mornings latest brexit bullshit is that if Johnson loses a vote of no confidence he'll simply ignore it and press on anyway. Apparently constitutionally that's fine. Taking back control and all that...
  12. I'd love for Boris to be ordered to go to the EU and request an extension thereby destroying his loathsome political career but I suspect he'll fight tooth and nail to resist that humiliation and even if he lost that fight he'd surely just resign rather than publicly look like a massive heel?
  13. Thius is the reason why you sign replacements before you let your man go.
  14. This will be Leicester's problem now. Any player they go for the price is instantly jacked up becuase the sellers know they're minted. They're either going to have to pay silly money or look abroad for cheaper options.
  15. Ah but you're forgetting he's not French so the xenophobes are fine with it.
  16. None of that matters as long as he can bring back their blue passports
  17. True but you also need to address those issues in a diplomatic way. You want to get elected so you can tackle "toffs and tax evaders" . You can't get elected without winning over at least some of the media. The media is largely run by "toffs and tax evaders". Perhaps he could have tempered the rhetoric at least until he was elected?
  18. I guess it depends what you mean by "pandering". It's cliche but "politics is the art of compromise" has always been true and is even more so if you want to be in power. Blair proved it was possible to win over some of that section of the press by moving into a more centre position. Corbyn has also been openly hostile to those media corporations from day 1. He can't complain of media bias while he and his supporters have a go at them at every opportunity. I suspect he's decided he doesn't want their support anyway as it fits his agenda to look like a victim and preach against them from opposition.
  19. They aren't done as a party. Corbyn is the definition of unelectable. He's the problem. Thing is I'm not sure he (or his die-hard pseudocommunist followers) actually care. They're quite happy with glorious failure, even if it means a lifetime of Tories f***ing up the country. They haven't quite grasped that you might be happy with a manifesto and think you've got some good ideas but if you're unelectable you'll never implement any of them.
  20. https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-orders-brexit-countdown-clock-for-downing-street-11775054 **** me. The people running the country are literally behaving like children...do they honestly think this shit impresses anybody with a functioning brain?
  21. Which would be significant at a time when the government was making an attempt to actually govern through seeking to pass legislation...
  22. Just watched an interview with Dyche on SSN. Came across really really well. Seemed to be genuinely gutted to lose Heaton and you really felt like he's got a lot of respect for his players. Not often you see a manager speak in glowing terms for a couple of minutes about a player they've just lost.
  23. It's clear we're in the calm before the inevitable storm. Parliament returns on 5th September and then they all go away for Conference on 14th September until early October. There's barely any sitting days left now. Lord Vader made flesh IDS gave the game away when he said "any legislation brought forward will be hijacked, so we won't bring any forward"...Can this folly realistically be stopped now?
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