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Everything posted by desensitized43

  1. I don't think there will be many who actively vote for a Corbyn government. That's the end of them, politically. It'll be down to the number who abstain to save face. Those guys can still have a future under the next person.
  2. It's never going to happen though, is it? To get this VONC through, they'll need every vote to go their way. Corbyn and his merry band of closet communists aren't going to agree to that as it immediately kills him and their project to drag Labour back to the seventies. They'll whip against it (3 line probably) and you're then talking about a vast majority of the Labour party having to defy the parties whip.
  3. The problem with the GE option is that it does nothing to nullify the false "mandate" of the 2016 referendum. In the absence of politicians of substance with the balls to make decisions in the national interest - you know, what we actually pay them for - Another referendum of some description is the only way to put this shit to bed for the forseeable and move on with our lives. Sure there'll be some angry throbbers, but they've been angry about their lives for a while now. No need for us all to suffer. I'm off to the Winchester...
  4. Re. Parliamentary Supremacy - Surely if there's a law that says "if you want to do x you must do y" and they don't follow that law, then by the letter of EU law (A50) we'd still go out but there'd be some legal force to "go after" those responsible at a later time. Re. Parliamentary majority - Even if a majority government were elected they'd still need a large proportion of those MPs to vote for something. At that point parliament has had it's say and they can't point to a dodgy mandate from 2016 and use it as a pretext to destroy the country. I accept that the default destination of A50 can't be changed unilaterally but I'd be interested to know if there was a way in UK law we could bind a government to get fully informed consent from parliament to go for the no WA option. If they can't do that then in UK law they'd have to withdraw or extend.
  5. IMO if he's going to insist on an election the price should be this... They should pass a law that the UK can only be taken out of the EU on a no deal basis if MP's have explicitly given consent in parliament. That will protect the country from Boris/another throbber going to the country and spouting all the lies we've heard before and then using that election/vote as a mandate to do something damaging.
  6. Tbf he's behaving like the idiot that he is. He can't be PM without the formal support of at least 3 other parties and informal help from a minority of another parties members. That letter isn't an "offer" of any scenario. It's him dictating his terms. That letter should have been an offer to have a discussion around what could be done. The Lib Dems/SNP/Greens don't need a general election. They need either another referendum or revocation. A GE could conceivably leave us no better off and possibly worse.
  7. Come on. You can't ignore the racial connotations in this. As for it being purely an "American thing". That's crap and you know it. We share so much in terms of language, culture, TV and news with the states that generalisations don't stay within the borders of the US.
  8. A lot of hate for The Red Sea Diving Resort (Netflix) around. It wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. I'm convinced that Chris Evans is going to fade into relative obscurity now he's done with Captain America, he's just not a good actor. At the other end of the scale, they really needed to do more with Michael Kenneth Williams. Fantastic actor and really underrated. Makes me want to go and rewatch The Wire.
  9. Exactly this. You'll find this about a lot of the problems UK politicians has laid at the door of the EU. We have for some time now had supremely inept people running the country across many governments. That's another reason why "take back control" was so **** ridiculous. If our policiticians have been proven to be so pathetic, why should we want to give idiots more control purely on the basis of them being our idiots!?
  10. You're assuming Tory voters actually care about the union, whether people pay the tax they should or your right to work under fair conditions. Recent polling suggests they only care about 2 things. Keeping Corbyn out and Brexit. Not sure which is more important. I'd still like to hear from our more Tory-leaning VT'ers about how they can continue to vote for them after this. Surely we've all suffered enough.
  11. Lies that no one actually believed anyway. If a member of this government announced the sky was still blue I'd go outside and fact-check them.
  12. I haven't agreed with you on a number of things but on this I think we broadly see eye to eye. Hard to know what she's actually trying to achieve by saying this. It's really bizarre. Her general implication that all men are incapable of compromise is insulting. It's interesting that the women she's named are all of the remain persuasion, not a lot of room for compromise in her fantasy cabinet when everyone is already in pretty much the same place. I can't imagine any male politician in this day and age coming out and saying we should turf out all women from the cabinet. They'd rightly be crucified in the twittersphere, called names like misogynist, pig, dinosaur. What she said is clearly sexist and offensive, I don't see it as racist though. She's not named any minorities to be in her fantasy cabinet, but she hasn't openly said they're unfit to be there in same way she has with men.
  13. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2019/aug/10/dominic-cummings-owns-farm-got-eu-subsidy What a hypocrite.
  14. What the **** is that line up. Seriously?! I mean, seriously!?!! Taylor and elmo?! Hourihane in a game you expect to have backs against the wall?? How to throw away a game before a ball is kicked 101
  15. It has quotes from the guy so how can it be made up? Come on, we're all interested why after all this time you still can't see that the emperor has no clothes.
  16. Yep. Say whatever you've got to say to get certain people (or as I prefer to call them, **** morons) to vote your way
  17. Where the analogy falls down...as it always does when people compare this negotiation to a simple bartering exercise is that when you walk away from a transaction you return to the status quo. You're no worse off than you were when you started. That's not true for either side in this negotiation. Walking away is far worse for us than it is for them.
  18. It's not just that they're incompetent. They're cowards acting in a very narrow self and party interest. That's worse than incompetence, it's full on negligence. Cameron started the whole thing by calling a referendum that only the tory party actually needed to have. You can go back even further tbh, to the coalition government that introduced the FTPA that has basically **** up the parliamentary rules in order to ensure that they were more difficult to bring down. Complete disregard for the best interests of the country in favour of a narrow tory interest
  19. No doubt they'll beg, borrow and steal to keep the effects of their mismanagement at bay long enough to have the election where they'll say "look, it was all a con, everythings fine". Win that election and you're stuck with the privileged **** for another 5 years.
  20. Or worse... To direct people to skybet...
  21. I used to quite like Bacuna. He was a massive cod piece but I remember some great free kicks and he had an eye for goal outfield too. Not sure what Reading have done to him!
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