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Everything posted by DeadlyDirk

  1. You watch, if he carries on like this Sheff Utd fans will get the paranoia that we'll bring him back. Welcome.
  2. Not entirely sure on the mechanics of things but have just this second wondered (whilst sitting on the Isle of Wight ferry for the last time) if a player knows he's moving but nothings been agreed could they have a medical carried out at a certified medical centre to expedite the process of a transfer day deadline? Sure if there's an owner of a clinic about it could be a credible business venture. Don't mind me, just thinking out loud!
  3. Stephen Graham as Monchi's inner demon and monologues....
  4. Massive upgrade on Jose Angel Crespo.
  5. Imagine how devastating this diamond will be.... Watkins Bailey Diaby Zaniola
  6. The way that's listed on the official site might suggest Cash is playing right midfield. We'll see when we kick off....
  7. Where the quotes came from - it's quite an interesting watch....
  8. I loved it when he danced his way around 3/4 players and put them on their arses. The mad bastard!
  9. Absolutely not. He can infect his poison elsewhere!
  10. 3 and a half years ago we pinned our hopes on Aly Samatta. Now we've signed an Italian international forward. I'm very aroused.
  11. Great album. It's a shame Paul Draper's behaviour in the last few years has put a massive dampener on things.... Stalking order for Britpop rocker accused of harassing the singer who revived his career | Daily Mail Online
  12. There is an element of our squad having building having players having connections with each other, maybe the bigger picture is Zaniolo today... Next summer Chiesa. #justsaying
  13. I can't believe he hasn't signed yet! The whole thing must be off.... I'm getting Emmanuel Adebayor vibes here..... SIGN SIGN SIGN Can't cope.
  14. Who cares, it sounds good.
  15. Wilkomenn. Bienvenue. Welcome.
  16. He knows nothing, he might as well have written that whilst doing his paper round posting a copy of the Daily Sport through big Dave's letterbox! (Ok - I'm just jumping onto the trend of shooting down twitter stuff)
  17. I love a spot of X (the tool formerly known as twitter) mayhem building up to the confirmation of a signing. The worst things that's happened is people seeing when a new signing actually lands for his medical, everyone wets themselves if it isn't announced by the end of that day, the lack of news creates a void then people fill that void with guff (normally engineered by children or attention seekers) - it's hilarious. Pass the popcorn....
  18. There are a few scenes in Manchester by the Sea that stand out for me... That one that @sheepyvillian has posted, it's just superbly acted and packed with so much emotion... The scene in the Police Station, if you've seen it you know exactly what I'm on about... And the other one that sticks out is when Patrick is having an anxiety attack in the kitchen, that works on a personal level for me being someone who's Dad and Grandfather (on Dad's side) both passed away from heart attacks, found it incredibly relatable. It's a brilliant film definitely worth seeing.
  19. Only if he's cutting his lawn....
  20. Probably, someone getting itchy feet so they get in there first and claim that player has failed their medical... They then are either correct and claim ITK superpowers or incorrect and we sign world class player.
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