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Everything posted by Awol

  1. This is the man who has banged on relentlessly about public school education being corrosive for society and then sent his children to public school. Why? Because he couldn't let his politics get in the way of doing what was best for them..But other parents who can afford to do the same shouldn't. Aye, cheers for that. Conviction politics at its best.
  2. Has he pleased the 'right' though? I consider myself centre right (which by VT standards equates to Genghis Khan's more ruthless cousin) and think he's an utterly useless chod.
  3. You rarely post anything I agree with but this is unarguable. Osborne is a complete idiot, much like his bezzer the PM. Faced with either these clowns, the two Ed's, or Cleggy, the country really is screwed.
  4. Abso-flippin-lutely But as you say Cameron and Gideon do not have the balls to upset some of their biggest backers from the financial world Unless it is implemented globally, which it won't be, then all it would do is drive financial sector business out of London. The idea is the definition of stupidity.
  5. Birmingham born, then lived and worked in the city on and off throughout my life. It's basically a hole and up there with the worst UK has to offer, although the urban north in general plus Merthyr Tydfil probably take the 'Dingle Berries of Britain' awards.
  6. Awol

    U.S. Politics

    For the anarchist ideal to work, the institution of the State needs to be dismantled. What follows thereafter is anyone's guess, but it did work pretty well for about six weeks in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War. But not so well in Iraq circa 2003.. That was anarchy, not anarchism. Well the State was completely dismantled as per CPF's definition, and that - rather unsurprisingly - then resulted in anarchy.
  7. Awol

    U.S. Politics

    For the anarchist ideal to work, the institution of the State needs to be dismantled. What follows thereafter is anyone's guess, but it did work pretty well for about six weeks in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War. But not so well in Iraq circa 2003..
  8. I don't have a dog in this fight but the OFSTED inspections seem to indicate that many of the top performing Comprehensives are Catholic Schools (likewise with CoE Schools). Also it seems a bit harsh to call 1.2 billion Catholics "words removed", or are you only refering to the teachers in Catholic Schools? Out of interest do you describe teachers of other non-Christian faiths in the same way? So indoctrination is okay as long as they are also educated? I think that it's ultimately the parents choice and none of anyone else's buisness. Those schools seem to be getting pretty good results after all, so the parents aren't sending them there out of blind faith. Perhaps it is the values based environment that they like and which is contributing to the obvious success? I suspect many of 1.2 billion Catholics world wide would describe themselves as part of the church, it seems like more of an "all in" religion than say, the Anglican faith. What I find so hypocritical is that if any other group was generalised about on this board in such terms, the poster responsible would almost certainly (and not unreasonably) be called a bigot. That's not a pop at you btw, just an observation of the blatant hypocricy of many regular posters on any thread related to Chrisitianity. No victim card here, I'm not Catholic and don't practice any faith.
  9. I don't have a dog in this fight but the OFSTED inspections seem to indicate that many of the top performing Comprehensives are Catholic Schools (likewise with CoE Schools). Also it seems a bit harsh to call 1.2 billion Catholics "words removed", or are you only refering to the teachers in Catholic Schools? Out of interest do you describe teachers of other non-Christian faiths in the same way?
  10. So the EU Parliament should accept the need to reduce their proposed spending instead, in line with what the national governments have agreed to put in (around 900 billion euros, I think) and then there will not be a defict budget. They don't seem to be keen on that though because this is the first big chance to flex the new muscles of EU institutions as laid down by the Lisbon Treaty and to set a precedent by asserting the primacy of the EU Parliament over the collective will of the national governments. I repeat, that they may be so craven as to hide behind a secret ballot (or even be able to have one at all) should knock the blinkers from even the most slavish and unthinking EUrophile eyes. Frankenstein's monster is coming to life.
  11. indeed, the UK's net contribution to the EU budget is still rising over the next seven years, just not as much as it would have done without this deal. That said the President of the EU Parliament (a disgusting creature called Martin Schulz) has said he will use the powers granted to him by the Lisbon Treaty and refuse to sign off on any reduction in the proposed budget, essentially scuppering the will of the 27 member state governments. Could be an interesting situaion if he doesn't back down. You make it sound quite personal. I do dislike him yes, but calling Shulz a "disgusting creature" is a) entirely accurate imo, and quite mild given the language used to describe domestic politicians on here! What else would you call a man who is now proposing that the MEP's be given a secret ballot so they can vote down the budget without their national governments or indeed, their constituents knowing how they voted? After all with a gutful of austerity at home we wouldn't want poor MEP's being accountable to their potentially enraged elctorates, would we? What's more, if 1/5 of MEP's ask Shulz (in secret) for a secret ballot, then they'll get it....but there are no problems with the EU and democratic accountability, move along please.. You're right Peter, so we have a situation where the EU Parliament could refuse to acknowledge the will of the national governments that constitute the EU, but may insist on making that refusal in secret... Roll on the referendum.
  12. indeed, the UK's net contribution to the EU budget is still rising over the next seven years, just not as much as it would have done without this deal. That said the President of the EU Parliament (a disgusting creature called Martin Schulz) has said he will use the powers granted to him by the Lisbon Treaty and refuse to sign off on any reduction in the proposed budget, essentially scuppering the will of the 27 member state governments. Could be an interesting situaion if he doesn't back down.
  13. An Uncle traced my Maternal Grandfather's line back about 1000 years. Most of that time the family was in and around Northumberland then further back in time it went north to Clouston in the Orkney Islands, then further back again to Norway - where it became untraceable. I've never seen it be he had (and my Aunt probably still has) the whole thing mapped out and mounted on a wall in their house.
  14. Far too witty to be yours Tony, but still, very good. Apparently the next big one for the army of under grad diggers is Alfred the Great, buried somewhere in Winchester. That really would be a find, the man who made England.
  15. By "nicer" I mean a complete lady garden.
  16. Quite possibly the best choice on offer in 2015.
  17. A mate who used to live in Wall outside Shenstone had the same thing when they put the BNRR in, they gave him shit money for it too.
  18. Yes hope not, but in a naval campaign Japan would hand the Chinese their collective arse on a silver plate. JDF is far superior to the PLAN - at the moment.
  19. That's a good one. Shows how much potential there for a right royal rumble in that part of the world.
  20. This was summed up very neatly in an editorial from the German newspaper Bild, yesterday: Therein lies the problem.
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