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Everything posted by YLN

  1. The actual results at 02:41 26th November stand at Straight: 89.0903846% Gay (male): 1.442308% Gay (female): 3.365385% Bisexual: 1.923077% none of your business: 3.365385% Which comes to a grand total of 99.1865396% What?
  2. According to Gmail November 25th 2005: I was handing in a legal, system and method assignment late, but with a shoddy false excuse that the tutor jumped on in class. November 25th 2006: I did not win an MP4 player on Ebay. I also sent a binge of bebo comments to my friends, even those I hadn't spoken to in a long time. November 25th 2007: I got 5 emails from my dad telling me about his play (which I starred in last month), what MON thought of the Boro match, the draw for the World Cup Qualifiers and what he thought of my forthcoming weelend trip down the coast of Ghana
  3. Yes at 21, my how the world is tumbling in on top of us... :? Well, in my experience beign 16 and not having to worry about anything and just enjoying life is what I would call a very nice luxury to have. Now trying to seek work, build a life of my own in todays World is not exactly enjoyable. Plus the fact you don't know a thing about me.. what a stupid comment to make. Whatever man. 'Today's world' is really tough (in comparison to?). I just think fretting is an avenue of pleasure I'm looking to reserve for later in my life. Best of luck with it though
  4. I know who I'm going for. Anonymous Poll!!!
  5. Yes at 21, my how the world is tumbling in on top of us... :?
  6. That may be true, but at least you can take solace in that you're probably among the top 5% on VT. We really are an ugly bunch
  7. 5 years ago was the beginning of a family crisis in my life. I won't say things are resolved now, but things are getting better everyday. Its hard to say. I have a happier life, but I regret that my family is not as strong as it once was and that it doesn't have much of a role to play in my life.
  8. That's such a stupid rule. As if someone's going to be affected by an ad so seriously, that it becomes a threat to public safety. Budweiser - 'Oh horses. I like horses. That stuff looks delicious. Maybe I'll try one of those'. And they end up like Digby Chicken Caesar I doubt it's to protect French people, but probably to protect established producers from competition. If you can't advertise, it's going to be difficult to promote your Aussie/American/Chilean wine or whatnot. It might not even be worth going to the trouble of exporting it to France. Heavily restricting the advertising of tobacco in the US has done nothing but help the few big brands that everyone knows and prevent new manufacturers and brands from entering the market. Oh I see. Well that makes sense. I just wanted to get my Digby Chicken Caesar thing in. What do I have to do to prove I'm funny?!?! :oops:
  9. That's such a stupid rule. As if someone's going to be affected by an ad so seriously, that it becomes a threat to public safety. Budweiser - 'Oh horses. I like horses. That stuff looks delicious. Maybe I'll try one of those'. And they end up like Digby Chicken Caesar
  10. Ireland to win World Cup for me
  11. I don't think paedophiles think about the sentence and i don't think a more brutal punishment as you have proposed would act as a deterrent. They probably can't help themselves and hold a life sentence with the same degree of fear, as they would a lifetime of torture
  12. I'm against the death penalty, but I'm for life sentences to mean life
  13. YLN

    VTers' Blogs

    That 22% loss in the first week must really have broken the bank.
  14. How many of the Everton team would get into our squad of 18?
  15. Everton don't have a lot going for them at the moment. A few journeymen backed up by a good creative midfielder and an excellent manager. Their strikeforce is unstable with the injuries to Saha and the itchy feet of Yakubu. I don't imagine they'll be much of a threat to be honest. But I'm sure other people see the situation differently. Edited in light of Trim's reprimand
  16. I demand you elaborate on this story. Elaboration eh? I was pepper sprayed by a middle-aged Moroccan man
  17. I feel your pain. I've been pepper sprayed
  18. Yeah its yummy Professor Oliver
  19. When I go to Birmingham for a match, we generally end up in an Indian near Lionel St. Ver nice. Bit dear. Don't know what its called I'm not surprised no one has picked korma
  20. I'd have gone for Dhansak if it was there
  21. Only for the Ball Peen Hammer, this isn't the case for a claw hammer, a framing hammer, a geologists hammer or a lump hammer. Sorry... Only in 'forn parts. In Good old Blighty it's ball-pein. So what about the claw hammer I've got that has a, erm, claw, on it? This has made me look very silly. I've had to apologise to my friends for giving them false pieces of completely useless information. Thanks a lot VT
  22. Cheers AC. I've been looking for Running for the Red Light by Meat Loaf for ages. nuTsie's the only place I could find it
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