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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. I flip flop a lot with Bruce. I just don’t know where I stand. When I’m in the out camp it’s because of dross football and baffling team selections and tactics. And then he goes and blows a promotion chasing team out of the water like they’re not even there. I’m hoping he can make this easy for us by just consistently spanking everyone.
  2. No not kidding. It’s easier to fluff a one on one (which we have seen a lot) than to lay it off for a completely open goal. Not saying it wasn’t a good finish, I just think it was the wrong choice. But hey, he scored so whatever.
  3. Saw the highlights. Great result but kinda surprised we got a clean sheet. Also a bit annoyed that Bjikir didn’t lay it off to Hogan for his goal - he could have easily had his shot saved whereas Hogan would have had an open goal. But hey, happy days.
  4. You know in the pre-match thread where o wrote “We’re going to get torn apart”? It was meant to say THEY’RE going to get torn apart. Damned autocorrect eh
  5. The sentiment of this post is exactly why I hate the Championship so much. We are reduced to waiting for a “goal horn” on a radio (if we are lucky) when we used to be able to watch every game.
  6. I’m in no way supporting our past appointments here but I do think the above is unrealistic. No manager will ever get the chance for a long-term strategy at Villa. It’s basically get promotion or off with your head.
  7. For me this defines Bruce’s reign. Sign a striker for £12m and literally play no strikers when your £12m striker is your only option? Such an unbelievable waste of money. Him and McCormack for £24m is something I will never be able to get over.
  8. Remember that time I said this would be a boring draw?
  9. I surprised anyone has predicted anything other than a boring draw.
  10. Give it to John Terry. Seems like the man to give them the kick up the arse they need, it’d be nice to try someone young and not on the merry go round and he has worked with the best in the world so surely that’s going to have rubbed off on him.
  11. That was it for me today. We started with no strikers despite having spent £36m on strikers, one of whom HE signed. We quite clearly aren’t going up.
  12. Spoony

    Ice rink

    Saw this chill lad in Downtown Dubai.
  13. This is said game after game and yet game after game we win. We will be going up this season. We are the second best team in the league and that’s what the table will show at the end of it all.
  14. I don’t think anyone would argue against the fact Sunderland haven’t threatened and tbf or defence has been solid, but our midfield and Davis are really not pulling their weight. I don’t think we would lose but if we don’t pick things up a bit this is heading to a 1-1 draw.
  15. Onomah would be coming off along with Davis for me. Although who knows who for.
  16. Proper shite first half. Midfield have been dire. But hey, we are winning. If we get another this game is over cos Sunderland are dreadful.
  17. I had a dream the other night and I can’t quite remember the whole thing, but what I do remember is that Keifer Sutherland was in a bedroom in a red dress with Walter White Jnr as Walter was laying out a dress on the bed for himself to try on. Keifer was really angry that Walter was going to try on a dress for some reason. Meanwhile, on the dresser in the room was one of my two cats who was sat on the side and was saying “let me tell you about my favourite times”. I was then woken up by my girlfriend who was angry because the cat in real life was sat on the dressing table meowing and then I got angry at her when I was half asleep because the cat was about to tell me all of her favourite times but she interrupted her. Trippy.
  18. On behalf of the South, this does not represent our views. Surely you are therefore Welsh? Not that I have anything against curry sauce on chips. It’s a match made for true heroes.
  19. I don’t think we should be signing anyone. We’ve already thrown a fortune at the promotion chase and the squad we have is more than good enough to make that happen.
  20. Only we could have as much CB cover as we do yet want a CDM or a RB to play instead of literally any of them...
  21. One of the many players I forgot still plays for Villa. Agree with the above though, he was farmed out to get him off our books so no one from the club will care if he’s playing or not.
  22. Spoony

    John Terry

    Absolutely no chance. He’s the absolute model pro and playing is clearly everything to him, hence why he’s at our shite club and not in China. Biggest injury loss in my memory. Without him, we don’t go up.
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