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Everything posted by macandally

  1. There are no free hits in the premier league, you have to have the mentality of winning every game
  2. I agree with your sentiment, if you want the next Potter, get Steve Cooper. The bloke hasn’t failed anywhere yet
  3. Our club structure should shouldn’t be manager dependent, we should buy against the structure that all the development teams are playing. So buy the right players for the club, not the manager
  4. It’s because we are massively underperforming. Dear god, can we get rid of this “agenda” shite, he is judged on results and he is not delivering
  5. Probably my hangover kicking in
  6. I agree that the metrics were different, it is though the intent. Arteta knew how he wanted to play, more importantly knew how to coach it, knew he had to change the culture, knew he needed to bring in energy and movement and has the support of the DoF in its implementation. You can lump Howe, spotter, Viera into the same category. I still do not know what Gerrard is trying to do?
  7. And yet people keep dropping in to add zero value
  8. Perhaps read my post again! You somehow have focused on one line so bravo.
  9. I give points as a barometer as it is the only real stats that matter, but there may be some latitude if we could see some form of progress. Personally I could see what Arteta was doing at Arsenal, it just took a little while to implement but the progress was visible. With Gerrard I see a slavish approach to a formation that doesn’t suit the players, the team or by the looks of it, the league. We couldn’t be more open, people just waltz through the middle and are on our back line far too easily. It’s obvious but is not being fixed. At the same time the “feel good” factor around the club both within and external to the changing room is disappearing quickly. The Mings decision was baffling but smacks of Alpha Male and to be honest, Mings was the only one who had any class. They way it was then glossed over using the media stank. All in all, he needs a massive run of results to get me back on his side as at the moment he comes across as arrogant, clueless and shallow. Nothing to suggest he will ever be a top flight manager with those traits!
  10. May I suggest the most important is how many points we are getting and despite the randomness of your post, the fact is we only have one win this year and 3 in 14. It’s how damaged we let the changing room become before we pull the trigger
  11. Another nothing player who will apply a sticking plaster to the squad and who we will struggle to shift in 18 months time. We just don’t seem to learn
  12. I agree with both of you, watching the game and the videos after, you both raise valid points. If you argue practice the game, then Dougies goal is an example, but it also needs fortune with respect to GK positioning. You can both be right and in this instance, I agree with both of you
  13. Watched it and didn’t see that at all. First half they played through us with ease, second half we came out with more energy and bossed it but on the counter, they still played through us far too easily even with tired legs. That scenario will not happen v West Ham
  14. I disagree, the midfield was still wide open, I would argue a combination of tired legs and a bit of fortune with respect to the penalty and goal keeper positioning put the tie to bed. Watch how easy we were to bypass again by simply playing through the lines. When we try to be more compact we are picked off over the top.
  15. In fairness to John McGinn, he was better when we played him in midfield rather than a full back. Stevies bonkers tactics strike again
  16. Love these playground posts! “If you don’t like me, go play over there”! Deano was let go against a lofty set of expectations, I would argue the Manager for one has underperformed against those. The transfer window is still open, we started well enough but performances alone since the season started suggest there is work left to do. Label that “worry” what you like
  17. I think our defence would be strengthened by having players in the middle of the pitch
  18. Our middle is so open, you could drive a tank battalion through it. Unless Gerrard shores that up, West Ham will own the middle and whoever owns the middle dictates the game
  19. I would take that against West Ham Saturday, but both you and I know that isn’t going to happen
  20. Result or not, still easy for a League 1 team to play straight through the middle and be up against our defence. Tactics are still dire, shape is still dire, still doesn’t know his best team, still not sure he has the dressing room, still don’t think we are going anywhere under his tenure
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