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Everything posted by macandally

  1. He is not Arteta! This is starting to get ridiculous, for a start, Arteta bloody coaches!
  2. As every Villa fan should be. Tonight there is hope, question will be around whether it is genuine or not. Next game will likely tell us
  3. I don’t think they are, I think that after 3 wins in 17/18 games they still have a concern about “new dawns”. Most will give credit and recognise it buys him time, how he uses that is down to him. The owners would still be negligent if they were not looking at what Plan B might be.
  4. Add to that, the ball went backwards so cannot be offside anyway!
  5. Nobody wanted a drubbing, but the tea leaves suggested that was what would happen. He deserves credit, today we had shape and structure and a team ethos. But let’s be honest, that is the first time this season so he deserves the next one or two to see if he has actually stumbled on something or whether he resorts to type
  6. Oh give over mate, he has been dog shit all season and today showed some indication HIS COACHES might have potential. One swallow doesn’t make a spring and your cryptic one liners don’t make you some guru
  7. I am not bitter, I have forgotten you already. see ya
  8. Just to be clear, you are wrong. Go find your own evidence
  9. Credit where credit is due, we had structure, we were a team and for the first time this season we looked like we knew what the plan was. Personally, I would still sack him. However, he has earned the right for the next two now. He may just have stumbled on his best team, his best structure so let’s see what he does next
  10. Love a person wise after the fact, enjoy your brief moment of smugness won’t you
  11. Dyche will get another Premier League opportunity and will do well. Out options are: Someone we KNOW will sort us out (Poch) - “Poch won’t come to us” Someone who COULD get us out this mess (Potter) - “why would he leave where he is to come to us” The fancy foreigner (Rose etc.) - it’s a gamble, new league, may fly May crash. We could go down Finally, the rescue package (the Allardici approach) - Dyche would walk here and would keep us up. I am open to suggestions but take the emotion out of it and the fact is, we cannot afford to go down, it took us four years to get back and teams are punching above their weight
  12. I am pretty sure they dominated us with a lesser side on a number of occasions. Give him till the end of the season with an option for a second
  13. I have not heard of Sean Dyke so cannot comment, but Dyche could be a reasonable option given the shite we are in
  14. Let’s be honest, right now we need to stabilise in structure, rebuild the dressing room and the support and stay in the league. Dyche would do that, but it would not be pretty as his whole approach is based on work rate
  15. Thanks for speaking on all of our behalf, at least we have you as the single voice of reason! Not
  16. I think at the rate he throws players under the bus, you can see how he burnt his way through 38 in three years. I also don’t think Gerrard set anything up, as he doesn’t coach, take sessions or do tactics, it’s how his coaches set any side up. In essence, his only contribution appears to be sound bites at press conferences and visiting players houses
  17. It goes against every grain of being a Villa Fan, but those there tonight need to find a way to support the team whilst ensuring there is no doubt about what the fans feel about Gerrard. This is like the last days of Bruce, the same taint, the same beleaguered players, the same lack of expectations. It took the fans to ensure the final push happened, it needs to happen again for the sake of these players, the team and the club.
  18. I would be amazed if anyone joins this basket case currently. May need the new guy to steady the ship with an eye on January window
  19. Just start with some form of organisation
  20. Nothing to say that hasn’t already been said, as long as he is here we are sinking
  21. It sounds a bit defeatist, but I have no faith in him being able to set up a team, so it’s pretty irrelevant who is the first 11
  22. Ah well, I will go find something else to do this evening
  23. That’s five games too many. He has no clue how to fix this, you can tell that right? He has shown nothing in the last 300 days to suggest he understands where our failures are on the pitch? The fact is, it’s not nor ever been about Gerrard, it’s his Assistant and Coaches that need to sort this. He has no idea how to
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