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Everything posted by macandally

  1. I think your hoping for Champions League performance at a mid-table club! Unless you can pay the PL Premium for performance, every player is a gamble. How much did Chelsea pay for Lukaku and see how that went
  2. If you can come in, with less than 48 hours at the club, get thrown on unexpectedly after 10 minutes and hold your own against a high press, high tempo Leeds team you have a chance. Thought he did great all those factors considered
  3. Leeds are a horrible, horrible side, referee was shite, Kamara was excellent and although the defence had some wobbles, nobody can say they didn’t all put it on the line when they needed to!
  4. No players are up to performing every week at the Premier Leagues current pace, it’s why we and others are where we are compared to the elite. City, Liverpool and others effectively have two teams and interchange based on stats. Our second string is not to that level, hence the drop off.
  5. I see the hangover continues with the lack of optimism! Prediction, we will be buying players this window, but not £30/40m bracket, we will buy players that mirror Emery’s energy, pressing and technical ability and can be moulded into a team, not a bunch of individuals
  6. Do you want me to answer such a bone question?
  7. Who reached the 5th round last year and see this as their cup final? I agree the finishing was the problem, that is a skills issue and explains why Emery is now trying to find attacking wide players. The bloke isn’t stupid, he knows what needs doing
  8. And we play again Friday and those will be starting. In the Premier League, any drop off in tempo/energy shows massively. We should have been able to rest players with 10 internationals against Stevenage
  9. Genuinely don’t start pedalling this crap again, the team was set up, organised and with a plan. What you cannot account for is absolute 101 stupidity on the edge of your own box
  10. Yep, I clearly saw Emery tell donk to do the flick on the edge of the D then Rugby tackle the striker
  11. If that happens then we don’t deserve anything good, we are not entitled and whilst I covet the memory’s of 81/82, they mean sod all now. We have an excellent manager, now we build. There will be bumps in the road but important we stick behind him and the team
  12. Your whole post is a contradiction, how can you say if you play a back five who have never played together you will get punished, then in the same sentence say 9 times out of 10 you win? Which is it? It didn’t backfire, there was a school boy error that changed the game, top class players make those mistakes less often than average players, but you are bonkers if you think they don’t happen at all. Are you hitting yourself with a spruce and wailing as you post?
  13. Emery has changed Villa already, with shape, structure and organisation. It is not comparable to Gerrards “pray ball”. Now he will recognise what he has and the rebuild will really start. We are a project and first things first is to work out who is part and who isn’t. Lets keep calm and not throw the baby out with the bath water, you can tell by Emery’s face there will some home truths told right now in that dressing room
  14. It wasn’t a shambles was it, we controlled the game until someone had a brain fart. What we didn’t do was take chances, that’s what cost us the game
  15. Apart from Leeds on Friday, risk of injuries, existing niggles and knocks and the fact again, that we put out a team of internationals that rightly for 85 minutes nullified a league 2 side. Again, Deondoncker committed a cardinal sin of not checking his shoulder 5 yards outside his own box!
  16. Some real histrionics on here, get a grip for god sake. For 85 minutes we bossed the game, the bit that was missing was the finishing and Emery has already said he is looking for a “specific type of player” I would guess it’s someone who can actually take his man on! Dendoncker making the mother of all cock ups turned the game and momentum and we know Olsen cannot save shots. It isn’t our worst performance ever, Peterborough played us off the park and there have been others, however this shows Emery where his clean out starts.
  17. The team should have been enough to beat Stevenage, it was suicidal stupidity that cost us
  18. Was too lightweight and decision making was as poor, still very much a work in progress despite the goal (simple tap in)
  19. Love the fact that all of the links, whether second division in Spain or Korean u19 player of the year have trekkers, pace and more importantly energy. No more Ollie Watkins single man press, we will be busy on and off the ball and for me that will be most important thing!
  20. What a crap article, in short, Villa want to buy him but Villa recognise it’s not best use of available budget. is that it, contradicts their own headline
  21. Spurs think they are bigger than they are, soulless ground with crap fans who only sing when they are winning. proper Manager, give him the keys, he knows what we need and where to get it. Awesome structure and tactics. Only downside was McGinn’s hammy and Dougie’s knee. Hoping nothing serious
  22. Get a grip, Emery showing there is no favouritism and picking on form/readiness. Not Gerrards playing the same team even when they are too ball bagged to tie their own laces
  23. Are we still looking at the “icing on the cake” type players rather than the main ingredients? Personally think we are still missing a midfielder and a centre half before we start polishing our forward line
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