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Everything posted by BillyShears

  1. Have you read 'No Country For Old Men' by Cormack McCarthy????? I've just read it & in light of that I'd leave the money alone and walk away denying I'd ever seen it.
  2. Live version of 'Intervention' by Arcade Fire. It is feckin ace.
  3. Very good point. For evil to exist all that is required is for good (wo)men to do nothing (or something like that)
  4. "I could jump down there and clear house." Classic 3PO
  5. I can see a white chicken on the right standing near a rock-man's head. Is that the naked goat-man's bivouac on the left in the trees?
  6. As a youth movement, pop music had lost everything in the early 70's and we were being dished up glam rock. The alternative was prog rock. It was a joke. The music said nothing to me about my life, I was not represented. Glam rock represented the banal establishment, and prog rock was introverted naval gazing. On top of that school was shut 3 days a week because there was no coal/coke, scheduled power cuts meant trying to do homework by candle light, synthetic fibre clothing meant you freezed your knackers off, football violence was terrifying if you got in the wrong place at the wrong time i.e. at the game. There was no escape and nowhere to escape to because there was no yoof movement. I clung to Bowie for years & he was singing about spacemen! Not knocking Floyd et al they are brilliant, but not for kids starting out in life wanting to take on the world, it was depressing. Then as if to really drive the final nail into our teenage coffins, along came disco. Great. Punk swept the nation on all levels not just music, it was a grand time, we had got a youth movement and thousands of teenagers like me weren't going to miss the boat. I bought a bass guitar, joined band and made a racket.
  7. Thankyou OF. It wasn't a decade, it was an abooooooorrrtionnnnnahhhh.
  8. Because it really was shite until Punk. 1970's has to be THE most depressing decade ever, I was 10 in 1970. Fashion was crap, music was crap, politics were crap, school was crap. One of the prime reasons Punk swept the nation was because something had to change, even if it meant getting a kicking from the disco boys and the metal boys it was great to be a Punk because the alternatives on all fronts were CRAP.
  9. Absolutely no contest if only for the 'Gravelly Hill Riviera' line. 8)
  10. Spizz. 100% Villa. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ-74ys4e9I&NR
  11. Ye I know mate, just glad I got an education after all these years :oops:
  12. I did. Am I missing something?? :? Since when did Stafford have a University? What next, the University of Uttoxeter? It was bad enough when Keele was called a University (highest suicide rate apparently) but Stafford - jeez and education hasnt been dumbed down, nah not a hope its all about accesibility - bollox its about dropping standards [/ranty ranty ranty] :evil: Hang my head in shame, ask me if I give a shit
  13. I did. Am I missing something?? :?
  14. I'm vegetarian. I just don't like eating meat, it makes me feel sick. I wear leather shoes, eat cheese, drink milk etc, just don't want to put it in my body because it feels like weird man. :?
  15. Never unless taking a shit, it would feel wrong.
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