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Everything posted by Butterfingers

  1. Agree-The OTDO74 group gives us the opportunity of a bit of organisation. Hopefully, once everybody gets the "this would be better" or "that would be better" attitude ot of their system, the protests can be co-ordinated more effectively. Some ideas will be better than others but the defining thing will be the numbers. 2000 people walking out on 74 is better than 30 singing "we want Lerner out" 20,000 singing from the same hymn sheet MIGHT, just might achieve something. "Partying on 74" will achieve nothing but as has previously been mentioned, the participants may well deem themselves as supercool.
  2. No-What is funny is that ever since the idea was first mooted, we have had 501 "experts" who have all come up with their own weird and wonderful ideas on how to and how not to protest. There really are some massive egos out there and that's without including the select few who crave publicity and look on with envy if the spotlight shines in a different direction.
  3. I prefer silly statements like: "he hasn't been good enough" Despite the fact that he hasn't even started a game for us Or: "The run for Gils goal was a one off" Based on what?????? Wasn't the run for the Palace goal similar? Perhaps its a two off.
  4. Well that's narrowed it down a bit Have any of them been good enough ffs? What exactly do you expect a 19 year old to do in 10 minute cameo roles? Score a hat trick? He hasn't even started a game yet you claim he's not been good enough. Get a grip of yourself. Was the run for the Gil goal at Sunderland not good enough? If you have zero idea what the other players have to do with it, don't bother responding again-Its pointless.
  5. You know exactly what its based on Are you seriously suggesting Gabby or Sinclair are better suited to the role because they track back a little more? Weren't you saying the same about Albrighton 18 months ago?
  6. Anyone from around 12th downwards No way will he be here next season.
  7. I would also add Mark, that since the idea was first mooted by Mike, there have been other copycat (if that's the right expression) suggestions of protest. It seems that even those who aren't keen to walk out are still keen to protest in other forms, whether that be boycotting villa merchandise, kiosks inside the ground or "party like its 74"-Everyone appears to have something in mind and it has all started from Mikes speculative suggestion that fans walk out. This is just the start and things could gather momentum very quickly-All it needs is for peoples egos to be put to one side and everyone to sing from the same hymn sheet-its clear that everyone has the same ultimate goal.
  8. A walkout on its own may not achieve much It could however be the springboard to other actions further down the line. Remember this started from a speculative post from Mike. less than 2 weeks ago and look how its snowballed. Its very hard to argue with the statement that its better to do something than to sit back and allow these money men to rape our club & the club of future generations.
  9. In a perverse sort of way, todays performance would have been ideal for Tuesday night. 2-0 down on 74 minutes will see far more walking out as opposed to us hanging on to a one goal lead. Whilst there is a hard core who will be walking out, regardless of the score, my feeling is that there will be a greater number who will be persuaded by whatever the scoreline is on 74 minutes. I think those that choose to stay should indeed stand up & applaud those who leave-Its a fantastic idea and shows unity. (lets face it, the majority now want this motley crew of bankers and merchandise salesmen gone) One other thought I have is that the concourses will be very lively. I envisage loud noise coming from them that will be heard on the pitch-This could be put to positive use. I wonder if any from the hospitality areas will join in?
  10. The type of person who would have created riots if his name had been linked with us 5 years ago. Amongst my top 2 would be Steve Bruce & Sean Dyche. Both of whom will probably pass us as we're dropping down and be out of our reach anyway. I don't think it's a comfortable fit for either party and it will be a mutual decision for Garde to leave at the end of the season. I just hope against hope that we utilise the parachute payment. It is the one thing that will give us an advantage over other teams next season. My brain tells me that its more likely to be a parachute payment to cover Randys total lack of business sense and fall directly into his back pocket.
  11. Dave "holier than thou" Woodhall staying till the end "because I support Aston Villa." Funny how its never stopped him missing no end of kick offs in the past because he's more concerned with selling his fanzine. Get your head out of your backside Dave-This is bigger than internet forum rivalries.
  12. I mean seriously-What was the bloke supposed to do anyway, even if he did accept Lescotts invitation? Say to his boss: "I'm just leaving work for a couple of hours, to drive to BMH for a straightener with Joleon Lescott" Arrives at BMH and says to security "Good morning, can you let me in please, I've just popped over for a straightener with Joleon Lescott" It's just ridiculous. I thought the Wycombe thing was much ado about nothing but this latest debacle places him unplayable in my opinion. A pity because he'd improved and notched a couple of goals. Why these professional players take to social media is beyond me.
  13. I'm not really interested what you base your analysis on tbh. Fair play for it not being on the Chelsea CL game though.
  14. Can we get any worse than loosing 6-0 at home? Being bottom of the PL in February, 8 points adrift from safety with only 3 wins all season? I will personally miss him like I would miss a boil on the backside.
  15. I rarely agree with you (never actually) I was tempted to post last night, agreeing with your comments. Won't be missed for me-People need to get the Godforsaken YT video out of their minds and see the real Okore
  16. & therein lies the problem. Okore is sh#t It just so happens that there are even sh#tter players in the starting line up
  17. A prime example of why we're going down Hopefully we'll se the back of him in the summer It sums up where Villa are at this moment in time that Bacuna is thought of as a starter for us
  18. I agree. You can count his good games on one hand. I cannot understand the w#nkfest on VT for him. Apart from a YT video when he played in the CL against Chelsea, what exactly are his credentials? Go forth & multiply Okore. Take your CL aspirations with you. You are short in height, overweight and quite frankly not very good. I'm not sure who he thinks he is but if we can get £2million for this lump, we should take it.
  19. Great-So blame it on the position he was playing then, not the fact that he was playing in the shittest squad ever assembled. Not that it matters where he plays, he is simply not a prolific goalscorer at this level.
  20. The point is very simple-He had the option to join the biggest club in the country. Gabby didn't. Neither did any other striker. Comparing Gabby to Dwight Yorke is ridiculous. Playing for the shittest squad ever assembled didn't stop Benteke scoring.
  21. Medals over entire career: Dwight Yorke-FA Cup, League Cup, Premier League, Champions League Gabby- I'm not sure what he was trying to prove with the lack of celebration but what the hell does he expect? he earns £millions each year and what exactly does he do to justify it? Yes he works hard and chases back but as a striker, his main asset should be his goal scoring ability. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't score again all season.
  22. Would it have been magnified if we had won? If we were mid table? He's not the first 24 year old to react and he won't be the last. Even David Beckham was guilty of similar stupidness. For me, Jordan Ayew has been one of the few glimpses of light this season-I'm prepared to cut him some slack
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