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Everything posted by Butterfingers

  1. For clarity, I wasn't referring to you. I usually agree with your posts. Not on this topic though. We want the players to give 100%-The players want the fans to give 100% Somethings got to give. Someone has to make the first move. Why not try upping the ante for a few games and see if we get a reaction? Its better than sitting there sulking for 90mins.
  2. Some people are a lost cause-Usually the same people who will tell you what team should have been picked and what formation should have been played-After the full time whistle has gone
  3. That's what its going to come to though. I'm not suggesting that anyone should be confrontational-I just think that if the majority were to make their voices heard, it wouldn't be so trendy to hurl abuse at the team.
  4. Many people have bought season tickets Mark-Not just you. Many people rush home from work to get to a game as well. This is not about being holier than thou or being a superfan-It is about shutting up a mindless minority who are causing us far more problems than we need at present. If they see that the majority of fans want to support the team, maybe they will crawl back under their stones? I've said that the players haven't covered themselves in glory and that I'm sure they know it-I don't care what has gone on. I'm looking about what will happen moving forward. Someone has to make the first move. We can either wait for the team to improve or use this crisis as a catalyst. Throughout our history, fans have reacted positively to these types of crisis. I appreciate theres a lot of new wave muppets out there. I don't care about them-I care about the Villa and whats happening to us.
  5. In the alternative then, can you please keep away until the end of the season? Thanks in advance.
  6. The tripe served up in previous years has very little to do with the current team. A handful of idiots are making all the noise and causing further problems-If you're happy to sit there and not make an effort then good luck to you.
  7. Well you're in a vicious circle then aren't you? You want results to improve but you're not prepared to back the team-you're happy to sit there like a spare dinner while a few morons are speaking for all of us. Well done
  8. Reading the posts since Saturday, I think there are many on here who feel the same as I do. I would go as far as to suggest that we are in the majority. Most of us have seen the videos after the Wycome and Sunderland matches. I'm told (don't know, wasn't there) that the reason the players didn't go over to the fans after Sunderland is because of the abuse they got at Norwich when they went over at the end. This whole thing is escalating and is dividing us-Mica Richards was spot on, we all need to be together. We may well be down but even if we're just playing for pride, I'm sure everyone wants to see the lads have a go. The new year period could have been our rock bottom, it could be that we've reached our lowest point and can now move in the other direction (even if only slightly). The players on the pitch are not to blame for this shambles-Does anybody blame any one of them for taking the opportunity to play for this great club of ours? Would you have turned the chance down if you were Ashley Westwood, Jores Okore, Jordan Ayew, Carlos Sanchez? The damage has been done over a 5 year period by incompetents behind the scenes-Incompetents who couldn't trap a bag of cement between them. The heart of the side was torn apart in the Summer-We have a new team who were obviously going to take time to gel (and in many cases, settle into the league) How much more likely are the players going to want to bust a gut for us if they see we're behind them? They haven't covered themselves in glory-They know this and don't need reminding of it. People talk about wanting Jordan Ayew to stay next season-Does anyone really think he'd want to hang around in this poisonous atmosphere? Carry on giving them stick and they'll all just play the season out and look to leave in the summer. If this season has shown us anything, it is to remind us of the difficulties of throwing a new set of players together. If we have to do the same next season then we might just as well write it off as well. We need a nucleus to move forward with. I urge-No, I beg everyone to support the team-Stop all the "political" chants that fall on deaf ears, other than the players who sense the unrest. If you see the team bus, applaud it or give them your thumbs up, if you see a player out and about, tell him that you're behind him and not to throw the towel in. Most importantly, if you hear anyone shouting abuse at the team, try to reason with him. Lets stop this now before it escalates-Lets have a big show of support tomorrow. I remember one of my first ever visits to Villa Park, the night we were relegated to division 3. I was overwhelmed by the support and the love for Villa. I became a Villa fan that night. This bad feeling could really get out of control-The press are waiting to jump on it and in fighting between fans is just around the corner.. Lets surprise everyone and work with the lads, not against them. I'm sure everyone would agree that they need all the help that they can get and would really appreciate encouragement and support.
  9. They actually work most days training and representing the club in other capacities. Both would have only gone in due to injury and at the time of the flare up, they couldn't have gone on because we'd made 3 subs. Spitting a couple of bits of chewing gum over 90 minutes, does not mean they were not ready to go on or supporting the team. If he's saying that this is the norm, at every club, you are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill by suggesting the two players care any led about their club just because of this.
  10. I don't know how many were listening to Talksport this morning but Danny Murphy said that this type of thing goes on, on every bench up & down the country every week, regardless of league position. It has probably been magnified because the fans were so close to the dug out and have not seen it before. I actually don't have a major issue with it, it was the telling the fans to #### off that I thought was wrong. The problem we have now is that fans are looking for the slightest of excuses to have a pop at the players. I dread to think what lies ahead. I can't say I'm looking forward to it though.
  11. He had a run up front earlier in the season-It didn't work. For me, given our situation, I would keep Sinclair as he may well do a good job for us next season. Certainly worth looking at.
  12. I'd disagree with this. It was always nailed on that Richards wasn't going to finish the game-I think Remi has done no worse with Kozak than Sherwood. I do think that it's ultimately been a bad move for him-The cock up with his injury was disasterous and it now looks like he'd not rated by his managers. Frustrating, given he was doing so well in the lead up to his injury.
  13. I think the problem we have now is that the players are deflated. The Norwich & Sunderland games have really knocked the stuffing out of them. After Arsenal, we had 4 games where we were looking to kick start. The first 2 wen OK, the second 2 were disasters. It has removed hope of staying up. You can see it in the players, just like you can read it on here. On Boxing Day, many were still posting positively on here-Myself included. The two defeats that followed have destroyed us and the team also. I'd say that immediately after Arsenal or Newcastle, we would have beaten Wigan. The dynamics have changed now.
  14. In fairness John, we usually have to wait until we've shipped a player out before bringing in his replacement. Its frustrating enough in the summer but it seems worse in January for some reason.
  15. It can't legally happen either, as we already have on e of their players on loan.
  16. He has flopped no worse than any other central defender-With the possible exception of Okore Lescott & Okore together didn't look too bad. Would have liked to have seen a run of Richards Okore Lescott Cisoscho
  17. Yes-And for the reason for this was the Man City takeover. The penny dropped for Lerner that he was out of his league and his mindset changed instantly.
  18. Having watched the two videos, (the Richards one and the one with the players boarding the team coach), I think the two are entirely different scenarios. I think the fans behind the dug out were entitled to voice concern about the attitude of Guzan and Lescott-As said, it was hardly the crime of the century but people are entitled to question it. Fair play to Richards and I hope he realised why the fans were angry. The video outside the ground does not make comfortable viewing. Notwithstanding the fact that many kids would have been there, to witness the players boarding the coach, the level of abuse was totally unacceptable-Sickening in fact. I would like to see that bloke tell Richards that he's a "f####n w####r" on a quiet, dimly lit car park and see how long he lasts. As many have said, this behaviour does not help-The ball is already a hot potato for many in the side, knowing fans are reacting like this will only make it worse. In the grand scheme of things was a draw really that catastrophic? The 3rd round is a banana skin-Look at Swansea, Man U, WBA for example. Everton only managed 2-0 against non-league opposition. I appreciate that its 5 years worth of frustrations building up but the players are not the ones who should be on the receiving end of this kind of behaviour. Nobody should have been subjected to the level of abuse that this moron in the video directed. How is that going to inspire these players to bust a gut for our club?
  19. Lambert was heralded as a good appointment at the time. I think Houlier would have been good, given a bit longer. Not sure about the latest 2 but who was realistically available at the time? Even now, who would want to join us in the summer? What would you realistically consider to be a good appointment? I have my doubts that we'd even attract someone like Sean Dyche now-Someone most didn't want when his name was connected to us previously.
  20. I used to say the same about Sherwood. I do however think that the January window is not the right time to judge-Even more so this time around, given that we will not be attracting any player with aspirations of playing in the Premiership (for more than 3 months) I think the football has been OK-Or at least the attempts to play football. The quality is sadly lacking though and once you go on that slippery slope, it is very hard to turn things around. Personally, I would like to see an improvement between now and the end of the season. If that doesn't happen, I would hope for a change of manager. I have nothing against Garde and think he's been placed in an impossible position. For the good of the club though-We cannot start next season, with the same group of players and same manager who have just surrendered their PL position without as much as a whimper. If we show fight, heart and organisation between now & May, I will be happy to stick with Garde next season-More of the same and I think we'd have to part company
  21. No, nor me. Then again, I don't recall reading any posts that suggest it does.
  22. Quite pleased in a perverse sort of way. Gutted for the lad but delighted that he's out of the spotlight. He wasn't going to single handedly keep us up-We are down regardless. If this helps keep him here next season then great. I relish the prospect of watching him play a bigger role, throughout a full season-He could play a big part in getting us back up at the first attempt. As far as this season is concerned, I wish it would end tomorrow-Along with the employment of Fox & Rielley.
  23. I personally cannot see Lerner sanctioning his wages next season if there is an option to offload. Hope I'm wrong. It could well be that all Summer contracts had built in clauses to cover relegation (which was a distinct possibility from day 1)
  24. I think "detriment" is the wrong word. We do loose something when Adama plays-Perhaps a bit of solidity in midfield/shape What he does bring though, far outweighs any negatives. He needs to start and if he only lasts 60mins then so be it. We need to go for it, take the lead for a change and then tighten up towards the end. No more throwing him on once we're behind-This only confirms that the manager thinks he can produce (he's played when we need a goal) Lets go for these goals from the 1st minute, not wait until half time/60mins
  25. Fair points. My only concern is that it could have a negative effect, bringing young Championship players here for half a season. I don't think it helped the French signings. Like you though. I'm at a point where I want to see the back of these players.
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