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Everything posted by Gringo

  1. So counting has started in the Irish election, (almost certainly) returning Enda Kenny as the new Taoiseach. If he has half the accounting skills of the last Mayo born Taoiseach he should have no trouble sorting out the country's debt problems. Haven't they just - the govt (of fianna fail and the greens) dropped from a combined 83 seats at the last election to about 21 this time around
  2. Not the sing I'm listening to now. But one that came on the radio in the taxi on the way home So I tell the driver to blast up the volume and open the window singing along to the bemused pedestrians. So she asks "What's this", I say "badybird, we saw them in leeds - you complained it was all plinky plinky musak". "I've never been to a concert in leeds with you..." and that's when the fighting started......
  3. Well if the anna nicole smith opera goes on tour, they might need an understudy.
  4. I must agree that I'd prefer hague in this situation to his shadow. In fact I'd prefer ken dodd and his ticklestick over hague's shadow. Jim Murphy Can't say I've ever heard of him. You don't rate him Grings? That's the shadow defence secretary not foreign office. I was actually thinking of the previous shadow foreign secretary whose primary qualification for office was being married to mr Balls.
  5. I must agree that I'd prefer hague in this situation to his shadow. In fact I'd prefer ken dodd and his ticklestick over hague's shadow.
  6. A simpler question would be in what situation is it possible to sell '"crowd control" kit' where it won't be used 'against their own people to oppress protest and democracy etc.'. All this gear is for the purpose of oppression.
  7. I doubt little is being thought about it. I would guess it's the main thing occupying the (empty) minds of the west thus ensuring the lack of response, or co-ordinated response we have seen so far. What's in it for us.
  8. In 10 years time some will be telling us he brought democracy to northern africa, in the same way that others tell us bush sr brought democracy to eastern europe, by standing by and doing nothing, and being in the right place, or thereabouts at the right time.
  9. Hasn't the number of constituencies now been agreed - the law that brought in the rferendum may have been linked to the constituency changes, but the referendum itself isn't. Is it? Reducing the number of constitiencies reduced peoples access to democracy. Introducing AV should increase peoples access to democracy. So hard to see how the gerrymandering would influence anyone to vote no.
  10. That's the problem with the proles you can't just them to only claim the benefits they need - instead they will try to claim anything they think they can get away with. Completely unlike the MPs and their perfectly entitled to expenses.
  11. In order to be an explanation for the difference in prices between January 2010 and January 2011, wouldn't there need to have been a devaluation in that period? Good point. A lot of companies spent end 2008 through 2009 reducing stock levels. it has only the restocking and the economic growth that has brought this factor more into play now. For example it was not until Q3 2010 that imports returned to the same level they had been early 2008.
  12. Well if that were the case it would be our extra spending power that is causing inflation. I don't think the populous spending loads of cheap money is actually happening or the reason for the inflation rate. Not populous spending as well know that all that cheap money went straight to the banks who used it lend to small business, sorry I meant to shore up their balance sheets. The resulting devaluation of sterling is an important factor in the increase in inflation.
  13. And why not. If you want to go and be stupid out at sea and not know what you're doing and get in trouble - pay the cost or take out insurance against it. Same for mountain rescue and potholers.Are you for real. Insure my lilo!!!! Not everything should have a price attached to it. Saving lives should be our duty as decent human beings, not a commercial business. Presumably if a ship finds itself in trouble you would only rescue those who are insured, the rest are fish bait.Are you for real? How many lilo users get rescued by the "coast guard helicopter service" I was being sarcastic. There are many people who are rescued by helicopter though. If you wish to bill them for it fine. It would probably come at a great cost to their purse. The cost to our sense of humanity however , would I think be far greater. The world would be a far sadder place if every act of mercy carried a bill. Not me wishing to bill them for it - this is labour policy that was kicked off back in 2007. Another example of how different the tory and labour parties aren't.
  14. See, not everything clegg says is drivel. BIAD. Without real democracy govts always corrupt.
  15. Pure genius!! Plenty of willing amateur volunteers though - surely this it what the big society is all about.
  16. It's not whether they have a vag or not, it's whether they have their rag on or not. Hormones are terrible things in relation to decision making [/ misogynist]
  17. People who get confused between the phrases "I agree" and "great post"
  18. Hanging on for a point against the donkey botherers!
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