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Everything posted by Talldarkandransome

  1. She appears to have more marbles left than some on here, won't mention any names
  2. And you won't have to buy them a drink, the best sort
  3. Game Pass subs going up to £12.99 from £10.99., 25% ish. Really can't wait for my salary to do the same
  4. Folk who are obsessed with the lower holte and the self service beer @sidcow
  5. Solid performance, clean sheet. Might rest a few next Thursday. Gave Ollie MOTM closely followed by Digne
  6. Not even close for offside Ollie hattrick, will up his confidence a bit
  7. Leon Bailey making sure he's not dropped again. Will a big lead be good or bad for the 2nd leg atmosphere
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