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Everything posted by Talldarkandransome

  1. Solid performance, clean sheet. Might rest a few next Thursday. Gave Ollie MOTM closely followed by Digne
  2. Not even close for offside Ollie hattrick, will up his confidence a bit
  3. Leon Bailey making sure he's not dropped again. Will a big lead be good or bad for the 2nd leg atmosphere
  4. Everton and Hibs worked fine but Palace won't. I've tried again this evening but same error. Google Community says vendor issue, I've emailed Villa ticket office. I'll try again. Seems odd that it worked OK before
  5. Trying to save tickets to Google wallet and I'm getting this. It worked last week trying to do the same thing. Any ideas?
  6. Update Just checked again and nothing is selectable in upper holte. Even though they are listed, when you click on the block you can't select them
  7. You can view the upper holte now but only wings are selectable I think
  8. My O2 wouldn't work until I was walking through Aston Park
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