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Everything posted by Talldarkandransome

  1. I doubt they'd hear me from the Trinity. Like I said before, I don't agree with it so I boo the adverts, I'm not alone in doing this. It doesn't make me a bad parent or a bad fan. If folk wanna pay the extra that's up to them. As a member I fork out quite a lot already for me and my lad and we travel around different parts of the ground as its his first season. He boos cos he wants to sit in the Holte where his dad used to be and my dad used to be.. There are many other reasons not related to football why the TV option wouldn't suit us, the price is just one of them.
  2. If you don't understand maybe you shouldn't comment, or just block me. I doubt I'd notice either
  3. I think you need to read it again buddy, I don't and will never boo Villa fans... if you're gonna question my parenting at least get your facts right first. I boo the adverts, and I'm not alone
  4. Couldn't disagree more, they've made it impossible to get seats in the Upper Holte. Upper Holte should not be a corporate area. Just my opinion
  5. My and my lad boo it, every game... nothing against the fans that purchase them though, before anyone shoots me
  6. You need to read the recent match threads, we are growing...
  7. We're only members now and was hoping this could be his first away game, but probably won't get that far
  8. 3884 allocation, not much chance of getting two of these then
  9. Performing at Villa Park has always been our problem, fix that and who knows.. I'd say 15 in a row is a pretty good start though. If and when the run ends, we start another one. I firmly believe the fans have made a difference in the last 2 games, we've helped to get them over the line
  10. I'm thinking of writing a strongly worded letter
  11. Leicester winning the league was great, never ever spoke to anyone else who thought different. We don't wanna do what Leicester did we wanna build and build and build... Way to early to talk about this, but, yes if we do win the title this year it would be just as bonkers as Leicester. But for very different reasons.
  12. This is why I personally don't care what's said in the media, let them keep doing what they do and we'll keep doing what we do.. I know which one I prefer
  13. Will Heskey be available though, ya big tease
  14. I bet that was fun, there's nothing better than beating the team of the fans you're drinking with
  15. I've had the same shirt on every home game apart from Everton Cup game, didnt go to that. My lad thinks he's lucky mascot cos he's been to every game and won them all. We are planning to go to every home game, so we should be walking this league
  16. Steady on, we weren't that bad. Yes it was different to Man City game but we weren't shit
  17. If ya can't cope with wind then f off to the moon, you might win summat up there against the clangers
  18. Ian Wright on MOTD, I'm sure he'll be unbiased
  19. That was much tougher than Wednesday, I've given McGinn MOTM. Dunno about the players but I need a rest
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