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Rugeley Villa

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Everything posted by Rugeley Villa

  1. Many a time when I've been very drunk I've pissed under the toilet door while my mate is in there having a shit or whatever. All they see is a river of piss coming at their feet. I'm a vulgar so and so I know.
  2. I've always wanted to spend the night with a woman from the far east, vietnamese,thai etc.
  3. Been sat for nearly three hours having a tattoo, bit sore now.
  4. Is that what it means ha, you learn something new every day.
  5. mate I'd give you 10 likes for that, I can't 'like' on my phone
  6. Haha ingram that's the bollocks, I know your not going to admit to buying it but it seems to me that we are cut from the same cloth. Just one bit of advice for you, pull out
  7. I read in this book the other day that when we nearly went bump in the late 60s,an american buy out was on the cards then. Don't seem like there is a lot happening at the moment
  8. I rang up the other day to renew after I told myself I wernt. I rang up to relocate my seat from the holte to the north lower, and it was 380. Luckily I did not have the details on me I needed so I said I'd ring back when I get home, by the time I got home I had changed my mind. Two reasons,the first I can't really afford it at the moment and the second reason being the main reason is that it just aint worth it one bit. Don't get me wrong villa are pretty cheap but its still not worth it. We get entertained at home about three times a season, there will be some very low gates next season.
  9. The shepherd once said to his mate' right then let's get the flock out of here'. And on that note I'll bid all you VTers goodnight.
  10. I've got a wedding in cyprus in september, the best man and I absolutely hate each other. We've got history and there is also another lad going to be there who I can't stand and vice versa. Bollocks to them, I'll just throw them in the pool if they piss me off,same with their girlfreinds.
  11. Cheers mate, you too! Yeah it's our first, so it should be interesting. I've heard that it's common for women to go over with the first so not holding my breath that anything will happen by the weekend. This your first or you got experience? I've already got a boy, he's two today. Were having a girl this time though, the mrs went two weeks over with our first. The first two or three months will be hard then it just becomes normal and it like you've always had a kid. Best thing ever mate,what you having?
  12. thuggish behaviour in an electrical store, and now anti gay posts. Your going off the rails ay you lapal
  13. No fun waiting is it mate ha, good luck anyway! This your first?
  14. I'd have Chinese every day if I could. my mrs is like that, I just find them to much for my stomach. nice taste
  15. Does anyone else find chinese takeaways a bit sickly? I find them really rich and I very rarely clear my plate.
  16. Yeah haha, but I was looking for it for about 10 seconds. I said to my work mate, I've left my phone in the other van, then he informed me I was on it haha.
  17. I done the most stupid thing this morning, I was looking for my phone in the work van and I was on it talking to my mrs. DOH!
  18. No. Do you often find mysterious white fluid in your food? yeah I do,what is it? It tastes nice so I've never bothered asking them about it.
  19. At least you use apostrophes well, don't be so hard on yourself. It's grammAr, by the way there you go, say no more.
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