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Everything posted by LxYoungAVFC

  1. Believe it or not, I heard it more than once...
  2. His novel made a point that was clear before he wrote it. My novel provides a much deeper insight. It's a different situation if you buy a Kebab of someone or if you actually work woth the people in question. Edit: Working with people who have just arrived and who don't understand the language or culture.
  3. Yes, people can be horrible irrespective of nationality, ethnicity etc. Wow, what an enlightening conclusion. You have earned yourself a sticker. Bravo. Really worth the novel you just wrote. I couldn't give a monkeys if you want to read my experiences or not. I think everyone is past the point where they know that bad people are everywhere. Your sweet little examples is just meant to show us how very open minded and tolerant you are. What a role model! You really earned the likes! I spent the first part of my Civil Service with a foundation, who's goal is to properly integrate refugees. This includes teaching them the local languages, showing them our culture (also rights and obligations), evaluating their skills to help them find a potential job (which will increase their chances of getting their application for asylum accepted). In my country we get a lot of refugees from Somalia and Eritrea, some from Syria and Bangladesh and a few from west african countries. I worked there for 2 months. The first 2 weeks I arrived highly motivated. Working overtime at minimum wage, I would go out of my way to help some very polite, respectful people. I used personal connections to get 2 guys (1 Eritrean, 1 Guinean) job offers at a Restaurant, which would drasticly increase their chances of being allowed to stay. This was not my job, but I did it anyway because I could see that they were really trying. Sometimes they even brought me job descriptions they printed out in an Internet Café. They tried to speak German to me when possible and talked to other locals in the coffee breaks. This is what we're looking for. Obviously, there were other, les ambitious "participants" aswell. I have never seen people this lazy. As soon as I left the room, they didn't work for a second. I remembered which language.exercises they were doing when I left. On my return, an hour later, they still had the same exercises on their desks. Untouched. I would hear "You don't give us enough money!" ; "We thought, that we're welcome here." and "At home they said we would get a house and live a nice life here. Where is all of it? Where?" (Thank you to all of you who posted "Refugees Welcome" to show the internet how compassionate you are. Where are you guys now? Art class ? Gender studies? Well, you're not doing anything to help here in the real world you *****!) Knowing (and seeing in my course) what status women have in the middle east, I had to explain equality. After explaining that woman are equal and not here to serve us, they would act as if they understand. Yet after this explanation, the women were still always getting them drinks from the cantine and clearing up at the end of the day whilst the men tried to hide outside. Not that the women were better. They would show no shame at all in asking me to do the simplest of tasks for them (although they would never dare ask their compatriots for the same favors). They tried to use me because they were too lazy to work themselves and believed that I was naive (which I was). Another example: "Hey dude, I might have a job offer for you. Please bring your documents with you tomorrow, so we can see if you would do ok there." Of course he "forgot" his documents at home the next day. He just didn't want to find a job, because the state gives him money for free. My motivation level started to sink because I realised that many of these people don't want to be helped. They want to be mothered and want other people to provide for them. My effort wasn't worth it. These people, mostly young and fit, are theoretically fully capable of making changes in their own countries. They have a different ideology which is deeply manifested in their heads. We cannot hope for all these people to adapt to our culture. Unlike Chindie, I will not end this post without a relevant conclusion (yours was really cute though). So here it is: You can offer all the tolerance and help you want. Some people don't want to/cannot be helped. We can deal with a few who are resistant to change, but the number of people entering Europe at the moment will shake the foundations of our cultures and countries.
  4. Yes, WITH your wife and child.
  5. Yup, I said all of that. You oversensitive do-gooders amuse me. I might find time later to write about my first hand experiences with refugees (syrian, ethiopian and eritrean) during my Civil Service. Showing you how some of these people really think might me worth the effort.
  6. They play your emotions like a fiddle. Touching. There are swarms. Swarms of young, fit men who should be fighting for Freedom in their own countries. You do not see the harsh reality we are facing. Your Island is keeping you safe, but blind. You will take 20'000 refugees until 2020. 140'000 applied in 2015. Germany let in over 400'000 in 2015.
  7. I heard he is linked to some very, very dodgy stuff. Anyone know how Lerner befriended him?
  8. What does Bacuna have to do to get dropped?
  9. Go support the team but don't pay.
  10. No "taxation" without representation. I'm ready for the party.
  11. Initiates State of emergency. Voilà, 1984.
  12. I am sorry if I ask too much of you. Please answer without trying to be witty. I would like your honest opinion. Ex. "I cannot believe secret services would kill that many innocent people".
  13. I probably shouldn't believe the numbers, so I'll not talk about any of the statistics from your post. I do agree that PC limits our way of thinking (I interpreted your thoughts that way). The future is very unlight (:D) indeed.
  14. Disclaimer: Asked a friend for the info. This. You won't catch tiny boats transporting illegal stuff. It's in the containers (with all the TVs, Food, Cars etc.) arriving from Hamburg, Den Haag and Ostende. Libanese smugglers control most of this business. Back on topic: I wonder how long this goes on until it's all gone like Charlie Hebdo, Nepal Earthquake, Tsunami 2004 etc. Contrary to the attention the event/situation is getting on Social Media, the problem itself won't dissapear within a month. Politicians/State Officials/Multinational Corporations will use this incident to further strip us of privacy on Social Media and other methods of communication. The Facebook "Gutmenschen" (translation "doo-gooder" didn't fit imo.) will move on to whatever BS the Media tells them deserves attention in a month or so. Our privacy/rights won't be back though. Playing our emotions like fiddles they are. Think independantly we must.
  15. Please elaborate why you exclude these possibilities. Not referrig to quote: The Police in my city (Bern) are patrolling with machine guns today. Does this mean I should be scared?
  16. I see your point. Same where I live, so I thought about this too. But it's not like a terrorist would think: "Oh I better make sure my passeport is safe from the explosion so they can identify me later." I think normally it would be disintegrated. But hey, "conspiracy nut" here.
  17. Sorry double post. I find the second part of the sentence very interesting: "and all those who advocate hate of the republic". Oh, so I am now potentially a terrorist for advocating hate of the republic/state/public opinion?
  18. I think that passeports were found (paris attacks, charlie hebdo) is very suspicious.
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