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Everything posted by Bazdavies79

  1. Elbow, some very good bluesy tunes. Doves are a good band though.
  2. Many lives have been lost in a war instigated on lies lies lies, we've murdered and tortured. And what for? I think Iraq may well be a much worse place to live for many years to come as a result of this. The region will be less stable and terrorist organisations have and will continue to use it as a perfect propaganda tool to recruit and grow. A knock on effect is that many of our own civil liberties in the west are being eroded as democratic values are sidestepped.
  3. I've always been interested in the link between RW politics and Christianity. Particularly the rise of neoconservatism and the resurgence in traditional Christianity in the US. Bush's core vote was from the Christian right. I wouldn't have thought torture, war, a complete disregard for human life and the environment, selfish capitalism (which has created the biggest gap between rich and poor ever) and Christian values would make good bed fellows. On the other hand, the more secular Europe has always been traditionally much more socialist, with things like the NHS in the UK, the welfare state, wealth redistribution......Christian values??? Not according to the ballot box.
  4. This thread still going then.......you can't and wont change peoples views, not on here certainly. I'm an Agnostic but I'm with the arrogant Atheists when it comes to religion, it is absolute fecking bollocks. But like I say, you can argue till your blue in the face....
  5. Yes he did. In fact he went to great lengths to say that all his previously held Christian beliefs were wrong. Covered earlier in the thread but to reiterate, he quite clearly stated he was Agnostic.
  6. Darwin was Church of England, he slowly turned away from religion during his life. He described himself as an Agnostic and even grew a certain disdain for religion and it's teachings, according to many historians.
  7. I think in the interests of the debate a distinction needs to be made here between the people who believe in God or believe there may be a God, and people who are religious. I believe there may be a God, I'm about 50/50, I don't wrap that belief up in religion. No it's not rational or logical, it's gut feeling, perhaps wishful thinking....but without the shackles of religion a belief in God is harmless IMO.
  8. There's not really an option for Agnostics in this poll..... And by Agnostic I mean in the common universally accepted definition of the word.....i.e. non committal, open, undecided.....
  9. God is as good an explanation as any I've heard as to why/how we're here.
  10. Selling organs for money is getting into seriously dodgy ground for me. I also find it completely abhorrent that you would even wish to sell your organs, which will be useless to you, to the highest bidder, how utterly disgusting. Don't really know how you can think like that.
  11. Enolla Gay Written about Hiroshima, hopefully the first and last time a nuclear weapon is ever used by mankind...... poignantly beautiful. From wiki........ 'By the end of the year, injury and radiation brought total casualties to 90,000-140,000!!!!!! Approximately 69% of the city's buildings were completely destroyed, and 6.6% severely damaged. Please please please.....may we never see another attack of it's kind in these troubled times........
  12. Jimmy has 5 children and their named after his favourite band Dave Dee/Dozy/Beaky/Mitch & Tich.
  13. This is a Yardbirds song which has elements of Jimmy Page's Zeppelin future 'Black mountain side' in it.....but I cant help making a comparison with Moby too. I think Page took blues to the next level....but this shows a new rarely seen side to his talent.....well worth a listen... Spanish Blood
  14. Stroll on by 'The Yardbirds'. This song, for me is the greatest guitar duet ever recorded..... The telepathic quality between Beck and Page IMHO is unsurpassed, the way they share and interchange between rhythm and lead is unsurpassed. The advanced guitarists with a good ear amongst us will understand what I'm talking about.....from 1:40 to to 2:00 mins is just the most amazing piece of guitar duet playing of all time, for me anyway. Stroll On
  15. Versatile, consistent, defends well and has a good shot on him...he won't get forward and swing crosses in but I'm not bothered too much about that. He came here with a reputation for being Mr consistent.....he's not let us down.
  16. I've put 32 but I'm probably less than that normally.
  17. Loving the Stones.....'Their Satanic Majesties Request'.....quite a departure from their RnB roots for the stones on this one. At least 4 great tunes on......'Citadel'....'2000 Man'....'She's a Rainbow'....'The Lantern'. Their first and last non RnB record....also the first and last album to be produced by Richards........I like it.
  18. I can't believe 26 people believe hitting the woodwork is on target.....
  19. A very good argument has been put forward, but I think I'd welcome him back in the team as I'd also welcome Bouma back. Over the long haul we'd be better with them in the team.
  20. 5th, unless we get a quality striker in I think we might just fall short of 4th. A good season it will have been none the less.
  21. This has been done to death now....for the last time EVER. Good striker, under rated by some, shone when we played fast flowing attacking football, disappeared when we resorted to lumping it. Would have bagged a lot more if we had done a bit more of the former and a lot less of the latter. By all accounts a nice guy and a good pro. End.
  22. A front man with one of the greatest voices ever and a brilliant stage presence to boot. A guitarist with a sublime touch. The ability to write incredibly catchy melodies. So why do don't I like them? Well, perhaps it's because their songs, although melodic and catchy, were not sexy, but rather a bit light and camp. They didn't have strong stomping manly riffs like Zeppelin...they were well, a bit middle class, not rock n roll enough, not dangerous. Which may have been why 40 yr old couples dressed like your mum and dad on holiday watched them. I respect them as musicians and songwriters....all very talented, but just not my cup of tea I'm afraid. (I'd take them any day over any manufactured pop band though!)
  23. Nope, refs will always make mistakes....stopping the game will spoil the flow of the sport. Just cut out the REALLY terrible decisions by training the refs better, and choosing the right characters....a lot of refs are weak. Retrospective TV evidence and the ability to overturn yellows will make the refs job a lot easier too.
  24. Ash or Laursen. Gabby has been excellent too.
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