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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. I kinda get it though, this is his first chance in ages and he wants a goal badly. But just pass mate...
  2. Wes had a great game. Pissed about this and nothing for Mee's challenge. Thuggish tackle.
  3. Really horrible for Wes though. Feel bad for him.
  4. If Wes is injured then we defo need a new striker at least..
  5. 28% possession in this half. Lets retain the bloody ball.
  6. Very good start. Toxic atmo at Turf Moor is working in our favor too. Should really be 3 up though. I'm so sick of VAR. More of the same please in the second half.
  7. I doubt that. Probably more in the sense that the hurt of the slide varies in different degrees.
  8. I think we hit rock bottom at the Watford game. So rock bottom that you'd like to think players and staff all feel like this can't go on. I really hope we'll see some fighting for pride tomorrow and I expect it. If we lose again we are in serious trouble.
  9. loving the Swedish commentators about VAR. "It's like it's being judged from a van in Amsterdam" . I agree.
  10. Speaking of the devil he just scored a brilliant goal against Arsenal
  11. This! we really should be looking for a forward that is good at headers and attacks in the box. it's no wonder we were doing so much better with Tammy in the squad.
  12. voted Poch just because that would be bloody great. don't see it happening however so I think we should stick with DS and at least give him a chance to turn this around. that being said I'm pretty unhappy with him right now.
  13. are there any potential links yet? I need rumours to get my hopes up dammit!
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