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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. that VAR decision was incredibly harsh imo. I can't say I'm upset about it though
  2. I was upset in the match thread, but really this is how I see it. I sure as hell hope DS can turn this around and even if he can't then what's to say he couldn't be our Sean Dyche? but he really needs to pull out some magic out of his bag now.
  3. I sure as hell hope that we are not waving the white flag just yet
  4. we're still not doing a fulham but drama will be drama. we are doing a villa and if that ends up with us getting relegated then we'll have still done a villa.
  5. the way we are currently playing I'd say it's guaranteed. we really must turn this around and I think that begins with instilling a little bit of team spirit back into this team. they all look like they are allergic to the ball and scared shitless of doing anything remotely football-like.
  6. I just wish for something appearing like football atm.
  7. He was visibly upset today which most likely made him more rash in his decisions. you can tell he is very frustrated at the minute.
  8. I agree, Wes is not a center forward at all. would he be doing better with a more functional midfield/wingers? yes probably, but that doesn't excuse him being nowhere near the box during some plays. Luis has been horrible in a couple of games now. he is way too slow, moves casually both on and off the ball and puts our defense under constant pressure. not convinced by him at all. I think that replacing both these two with fighters would make us much more solid and in turn mobile. As you say, confidence grows with the ball and right now we don't see much of it. I really hope that Dean will work on movement off the ball because this is seriously lacking. We also need to work on defending as a team because our backline is so exposed and that will lead to goals being conceded sooner or later.
  9. honestly I would rather we stay with Dean just to break this goddam horrendous cycle for once, but man he's testing my patience. what we saw today was unforgivable levels of ineptitude. also we are getting worse and worse each week. I hope they bring in a bloody voodoo doctor or something to break this downward spiral. something is very wrong atm and it will take some serious self-reflection from the club to turn this mess around.
  10. we have no structure at all, no composure on or off the ball, our passing is dismal, no attacking threat, we do not defend as a team, our movement leaves everything to be desired...the list goes on. what is our game plan? I cannot for the world of me figure it out. how in hell have we regressed so massively into a team that cannot do anything remotely basic right? by far the worst team in the league atm and as things stand we are bound to be relegated.
  11. Tbh me neither but it's clear that whatever it is it isn't doing wonders.
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