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Everything posted by rodders0223

  1. They're on their way back bab. Build it and they will come mate.
  2. Another tournament wasted.
  3. He wasn't very good, you can say it, it's fine and the simple truth about international football is, if you're not a prodigy or a truly world class player on the global stage - when you get a start you absolutely have to take the chance and Ollie didn't. Toney will get the nod and will see what he does. I think he'll still go the Euros fwiw.
  4. 7 pages of speculation on what the actual buyback clause is incoming.
  5. It's the same thing I've been seeing for two **** decades. We come up against a good team and they're playing one touch, passing into feet, moving and just look so silky and purposeful and smooth and then we have never enough or better quality and we're **** rigid, we pass the ball and stand still, we receive the ball and just stand on and either switch or pass sideways. I watched it for time under Bruce aswell and there's no reason with Rice can't properly dictate a football game ....but against good opposition we don't. We just stick to positions and are rigid. Sick to death of it.
  6. Service or not he was pretty terrible. Played in 2nd gear and never imposed himself on anyone.
  7. Beat the shit lose to the organised. It's Steve Bruce 101
  8. Came up against a good structured side that kept the ball and we looked slow lethargic predictable and toothless. Colour me shocked. We have absolute ballers now too. Holland and Southgate are pure frauds. Absolutely grifters.
  9. Man's got gloves on and it's the end of March.
  10. Rashford's ability to beat a man is non existent.
  11. I fully expected him to come on and piss his pants and cry for mommy. The patronising towards 18 year old men is pure cringe.
  12. Another top nation we've not laid a glove on. Well done Gareth. Can't wait for 10 wins against Macedonia and San Marino
  13. Chilwell. Maguire. Gallagher. I like Gallagher but these lot are so technically inept it's frightening.
  14. "Caught in two minds" Because we aren't allowed to highlight the abundance of mistakes Maguire makes anymore for some reason.
  15. And not just these terrible efforts. He's slow , weak as anything, just a complete non entity. Recieves the ball and is static as anything, zero dynamism. He's horrid.
  16. Lightyears behind the big boys still. Watching Brazil play one touch for fun is a delight.
  17. Always knew Enckleman was the GOAT
  18. They serve as a warning to us and flying high and trying to keep up with the Jones'
  19. Literally sums up United. Tik tok club full of clearings in the woods dancing on Instagram for 10 years and counting.
  20. Towing a caravan on his back for Stoke the same as Wesley. They're going down at this rate.
  21. Nobody at United would run through brick walls and he inspired by Gareth **** Southgate. He's a complete gimp.
  22. The most mental set of fans ever. They think they're a part of the football club.
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