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Everything posted by bradarmstrong_

  1. Watched Watford v Brighton and can safely say Bennett is a better option than Richardson. He's filled out a bit and looked alright.
  2. Why were we passing it around the back. Vlaar had space to turn into. Fuming
  3. Leicester win. They'll still be below us but would put serious distance between us and Burnley.
  4. How / where did you find that? Circuit hospitality
  5. Club wembley seats starting at £575 excluding VAT.
  6. ' the deluded commentator' this had me in stitches https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=829062727130624&id=516588825044684&refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F3iOoVjIVUY&_rdr
  7. Anyone know if we can recall Donacien from Tranmere? Can't go into the rest of the season with 2 fit centre backs.
  8. 30 million should be the minimum we accept. Remember clubs have extra money from the tv deal.
  9. I was club Wembley for league cup final in 2010. Two suited and booted manc fans got thrown out for taunting villa fans in the tier below. Safe to say you have to be on your best behaviour.
  10. "Tickets for Villa's FA Cup semi-final are available on Wednesday to supporters with a varied booking history of two or more games." Not sure but I read that as it doesn't have to be just this season, if that helps at all. Hmm, I thought varied history meant home and away in the league and cup games from this season. I'm not able to collect anyway, I think I'll head down to the pubs day of the game as its only half hour away and soak up the atmosphere. Thanks though.
  11. Looking increasing unlikely for me. I've got booking history for this season but the other half hasn't. The only thing I could think of is using my dads client reference but he's got no history from this season, has some from previous seasons. Anyone think they'd accept that? I've the added bonus of not being able to collect in person. Not looking great at the minute.
  12. Can we just stop talking about Lambert already. He was awful, he's left and we're winning games without him.
  13. A points deduction? Honestly some of the shite coming out after the game is ridiculous. Wolves invaded the pitch when they got relegated to league 1 and smashed their own ground up. Did they get a points deduction for the next season, no they did not. Ridiculous post.
  14. People love an overreaction don't they? Some morons calling for us to be kicked out the cup or play behind closed doors on talk sport. The police are to blame for all of this, doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise a local derby on a Saturday evening is asking for trouble.
  15. Why can't anyone beat the first man with a cross
  16. I'd of preferred the challenge to have been done to Gardner or Lescott
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