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Everything posted by bradarmstrong_

  1. Carrying on... This seems appropriate right now http://youtu.be/u5CVsCnxyXg
  2. Had all window to bring in a striker. Why piss around on deadline day? Typical Villa.
  3. If we sign Alli i'd rather he wasnt loaned back. I know it's league one but he scores goals, surely a better option than Cleverly.
  4. Why improve a stadium that will become increasingly empty?
  5. Plenty of managers have held their hands up and admitted they weren't good enough and stepped aside. The problem is neither Lerner of Lambert have any respect for the club and its fans, if they did Lambert wouldn't be here, whether that was by sacking or resignation. Pair of simpletons who have made us a complete laughing stock.
  6. Lambert's record getting torn to pieces on this NBC link I'm watching.
  7. These are the worst tactics I've ever seen from a team away at Arsenal. You **** moron Lambert.
  8. Very good draw and three ties where I wouldn't mind playing the winner if we progressed. We're overdue a cup run, think we could surprise people and get quite far.
  9. "If it looks like a duck and quacks, it usually is a duck"
  10. Have to put ourselves in the next round after today's results.
  11. Wouldn't be surprised to see him end up in Spain with Moyes
  12. Sky reporting that 10 prem clubs want to sign Defoe.
  13. Not being over the top when I say he's slowly destroying my enjoyment for the sport. There's absolutely nothing to be positive about following us and it's been like that for way too long.
  14. #AVFC in all comps 2014/15: Failed to score - 13 times Scored a goal - 12 times
  15. We're 12th in the bloody league ffs. That's why nobody is chanting at him. It's not his fault Benteke missed his chances today. We had 73% possession and we've a strong defence. We just need the right signings and another striker and some creativity in midfield. So the chants came today after a win. Interesting.
  16. If Lambert manages to beat lower league opposition in the cup on Sunday does that also count as progress?
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