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Everything posted by Adam2003

  1. El Ghazi will tear up the Prem. I fully support your desire to buy more wingers but AEG will be our player of the season.
  2. Found this an interesting read, thanks for sharing. No idea if we are in for Webster but that article highlights the sort of things I’m hoping our scouts and Dean Smith are looking for, so...
  3. I mean we only need to look at Gary Cahill and a million others to see that buying someone who “can’t get into the team” doesn’t mean you’re not buying a very good player. I haven’t seen much of this lad but will give him a shot! Also strikes me that a few of the players we are signing/linked to (Jota, Targett, some of the Championship lads) are players who might reasonably be expected to stay with us if all goes wrong and we do go down this year. I am sure that is partly in their thinking with SOME of the signings, knowing we will certainly lose half the team if we do go down and be back to square one. That’s not to sound defeatist - I think there is lots of ambition in all these signings.
  4. He’s already played in the Champions League. He’s scored against Barcelona at the Nou Camp in it. I’m not saying he’s automatically going to tear up the Premier League but he’s played on big stages before now.
  5. Just noticed his name in another thread - he’s still in the squad, right? Not mentioned on here in a couple of months poor lad.
  6. Have we released him or is he still in the squad...?
  7. Don’t you worry, I have a feeling Wesley is going to bang in a ton of goals.
  8. Yeah like El Ghazi I remember how every club in the country was after him
  9. You’re being biased. Sure we are a bigger club but Leicester are looking to challenge top six, we are looking to stay up. Might all be different in a year but that’s the reality now.
  10. I think with a goalkeeper, given our luck, Prem experience is vital... everything we say about any keeper without it could have been said about Kalinic. If we are spending the money let’s remove as many variables as possible. Other positions can be more of a gamble!
  11. He, McCormack, Hogan anyone else we spent money on - it doesn’t matter now. It all added up to promotion. Sure there was a lot of waste in there but it only adds up to a tiny % of the difference in TV deal alone between Champ and Prem. We should just stop thinking about it and look to the future! If the club think Kalinic is worth having around, great. If they want to sell him and we make a loss, no big deal.
  12. In the highlights video posted he doesn’t seem to hold much - everything is a punch or a save that rebounds off (admittedly to the side) - but i am guessing that’s because it’s highlights and those who watch him would say he does hold on to his fair share? Nothing nicer than when a keeper can claim the ball and relieve pressure, rather than tipping it over for a corner or whatever.
  13. Could just be that our decision makers thought “Kalinic is the best we can find for the Championship and with an eye on FFP, but if we get promoted and are rolling in cash maybe we splash out on someone better.” Obviously no-one predicted Steer would grab the shirt and keep it.
  14. I don’t disagree with your general sentiment that I prefer permanent signings, but “none of the bigger clubs loan players” is a bit of a stretch. This season alone I can think of Higuain on loan at Chelsea, James Rodriguez at Bayern etc off the top of my head - I think as people say there’s a time and place because it just depends what deal you strike - there are times there’ll be no loan fee at all for young players especially.
  15. Unless we snap up an even better striker, Wesley will 100% be leading the line as the centre forward. That’s his position. He’s made for it.
  16. Wait I should clarify it’s not on the club site, that was just a clumsily delivered joke.
  17. This is more a ‘forum’ or ‘fan board’ where people chatter and discuss potential signings like this but then they will probably do the official announcement elsewhere, on the club site perhaps
  18. Not even all the screamers he scores in them? Tough crowd ha!
  19. I thought from memory Tomori had to go because Ashley Cole had been caught out of position - the two full backs were more at fault than the CBs I thought.
  20. No, no-one knows this about any of our players. It’s only ever speculation.
  21. I’ve seen Jack take Liverpool apart at Wembley, he will be fine in his PL career - whether he can fulfil his potential with us is a different question but I hope so!
  22. Page 1 of the El Ghazi thread Duncan Castles says it’s a €2m loan with an €8m option to buy which is what I think it was in the end, just FYI. The point of an option to buy like that is that the price is fixed (versus the Mings deal where we will certainly have to pay more than we would have in Jan).
  23. Not sure - the club might be responding fairly smartly to everyone’s “announce Mings” etc tweets - wouldn’t surprise me at all to see Mings tweeting them “announce Mings” if it does get done. Everyone has their gimmicks each window these days...
  24. And the more people like Jack and McGinn see their talented mates joining, the less likely they are to wonder what’s happening elsewhere. Right after the playoff final someone asked Jack about next season and he said “well let’s wait and see how many of these loan lads are here permanently, I would love them to stay.” For all we argue back and forth on Abraham (who I don’t think is on the table anyway) Jack loves him. And in that same interview he was desperate for El Ghazi to stay. Delighted with this signing.
  25. Agreed I don’t think he’s good enough, but I wonder if in the club’s list of priorities they will think Taylor has played a couple of hundred Prem games, never been relegated, can probably do a job for a year with all the changes elsewhere... or will see Hause as a starting option there.
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