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Everything posted by Adam2003

  1. Ash was always an arrogant cocky prick - it’s why we LOVED him before he left
  2. Another Emi? Something going on here.
  3. I don’t think he is going BUT this is exactly what we should do. Either we have more talent with him or we have done our best to cover the gap. Hopefully the former! £25m is a bit on the low side for a hot Arsenal prospect though, not sure how serious we are about him…
  4. I literally have… can’t remember that at all. You live by the dive, you die by the dive I suppose haha
  5. Nothing more inexcusable in football than defenders not following in a saved pen. Half of them are sat back on their heels even as he’s saving it.
  6. Yeah agreed. I am so excited for that. But it’s always the way with an international tournament. Hard to look forward to the season. Fixtures out tomorrow then it’ll start more!
  7. Interesting - I go back and forth on whether that game being rescheduled was a negative (as despite a 100% record we were always a few spots off the top) or positive (if they had beaten us would we have had the momentum we had first few games?) Generally though I agree, best to play the best team on the opening day when something might just not click for them.
  8. It’s not a grudge, he just thought he was a dickhead. But that seems to be a thing in the past. Which is good for Jack, good for Villa and good for England.
  9. This is it. I know for a fact that even a year ago Southgate did not like Jack. Liked him as a player, didn’t like him as a person. Thought he was a cocky primadonna and too interested in partying. And honestly I get that - they are polar opposites. However I do think Jack has come in, worked hard, listened, been respectful and so has stayed in the squad even when he has been injured or been out crashing his car at 4am during lockdown - so looks like Southgate has decided his ability is enough to offset that dislike. So think we maybe need to move on from the grudge thing. Jack is in the squad on merit and I hope plays his way into the team… if not, so be it, he has still made the squad ahead of players Southgate loves (like Lingard) and the match day squad ahead of some other ballers (like Sancho) so he’s definitely in the picture.
  10. He is going to spend every second or third day on a slightly different schedule to prevent a reoccurrence of his injury. Probably for the rest of his career. People need to chill out - Southgate said before the tournament he knew he would be missing some training days.
  11. It depends what you mean. As I’ve mentioned on here before I know for a fact that for many years Southgate very definitely did not like Grealish. Thought he was a good player but a prick. Now, I do think that has changed, but Jack is playing catch up. And I also don’t think it’s an ‘agenda’ - at my business I also wouldn’t hire someone very talented if I thought they were a prick. In sport New Zealand rugby operate on that basis and they do ok. But it was very personality driven. Anyway he’s now in the squad and it’s up to him. I kind of hope he doesn’t start - would rather he plays his way in.
  12. What? That’s just Grealish and ten downgrades on our team and we were 11th
  13. Well all those PL teams are better than England as well!
  14. Christ alive. I certainly wish now I had never said anything. For the last time I just said I assume he’ll be our goalkeeper for years unless a huge club signs him. I’m sorry to have expressed this opinion that has upset everyone. I assure those worried that I am not ‘stressed’, ‘upset’ or ‘subconsciously defeatist’… I just said our goalkeeper is brilliant and might be a target for the biggest clubs in the world if he keeps that level up for a couple more years. I won’t comment on it again.
  15. Do I seem stressed? I said that I have been assuming he’ll be our goalkeeper for the next 7-8 years then vaguely speculated at some point a massive club might come in for him because I think he’s world class. I’ll call my therapist to check but I don’t feel overly anxious about it.
  16. See I’m saying “what if they do offer him that?” - because I think he’s that good. I’m not immediately worried about it - just saying my working assumption that he’s here for years and years may not work out if he improves further. To your second point it depends how much cash eh… if Madrid want someone they usually get them. Anyway this was a pure hypothetical that a couple of years down the line a monster club might come in for him so young goalkeeping prospects should still be in our mind.
  17. Do you know I thought to myself today: if Martinez has another stellar season, and is Argentina’s goalkeeper at the World Cup, someone like Real Madrid might throw a fortune at him. I have been thinking “here’s our goalkeeper for 7-8 years” but that’s not how it works - need to make sure we have a talent pathway and backup plans in place for all our stars even while trying to keep them.
  18. The five subs thing means he will get plenty of minutes. Up to him to play himself in.
  19. Why? The standard is no higher. Lower in almost every case than perhaps France or Italy. I get your point that we don’t want mistakes but I don’t buy this “at this level” stuff we hear from pundits as if Scotland or Croatia’s frontline are better than Salah or Kane or the other players he has helped us beat this season.
  20. You’re right but we are overestimating Croatia and should be setting out to dominate possessions and outplay them. BUT I think you’re totally right that Southgate will go 7 defensive players, play Rashford and Sterling and hope to nick goals on the counter.
  21. I think it’s more that his whole schtick is to be dour, cynical and contrarian. People like Grealish and Grealish is fun therefore Glendenning hates him. I have mates who think he’s hilarious but I never have, I am more on your page even though I think it’s just a front really.
  22. Also if he starts against Croatia and we struggle then does Southgate drop him and he has a miserable summer? Part of me is happy with the idea of him playing his way in as the tournament progresses. Either way I think Southgate’s focus will be getting 7/10 defensive players on the pitch and trying to keep it tight.
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